Hello Maura,
Here at the Center we stopeed active development of the stable6 branch
and focused all our development on the dev version. A new stable6 will
be cut soon from dev soon, but in the meantime I have linked the two
together (stable6=dev). So feel free to resubmit your job, as the bug
Hi Maura
we are in the process of updating stable6. The existing version has a bug
that causes these crashes. Hopefully we'll have something usable soon
On Wed, 16 Dec 2015, Hamel, Maura K. wrote:
Hi Freesurfer experts,
I’m looking for some help with some recons I tried running y
Hi FS Experts:
I've been using T1 data from MS subjects in order to try to identify lesion
volume using wm-hypointensities label from aseg.
I wonder if there is any tool which uses T2-flair sequence to the same goal?
I'll be grateful if you can help
Being all for now, I await a reply
Guido PASC
I have run
mri_fdr --help
but I obtained this warning:
/Applications/freesurfer/bin/mri_fdr: Permission denied.
I would also ask you if is possible to threshold the FDR map (p<0.05),
eliminating clusters < 5 voxels.
>Messaggio originale
>Da: gr...@nmr.mgh.harvard.ed
Hi Joost -
Here's my understanding which comes from limited experience with PBS and SLURM.
Your master process is a bash, tcsh, or other shell script with PBS directives
embedded in it.
Each recon-all command within your script should include a -openmp N switch
which specifies the number of the
Dear all,
I'm learning how to work with Freesurfer on a #PBS/Torque HPC cluster. There
is enough documentation about using #PBS, but I have not been able to find
anything on the net about how to process multiple subjects in FS in this
If somebody is willing to share an example
Hi FreeSurfer developers,
Can you please provide information on the resample types "interpolate" and
which can be specified with option -rt in mri_convert?
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