What is the source file you are trying to convert? You need to specify a file
not a directory. If it is dicom, give it one file in the right series
> On Aug 16, 2015, at 2:34 PM, Hugh Pemberton wrote:
> Hi freesurfer team,
> I think this is a very basic error with the mri_
Hi List,
quick question - can I run the new HyppoSubfields module (v.6.0) on the
subject dirs produced by FS 5.3 and/or FS5.1? Or do I need to
"re-recon-all" all using FS 6.0 beforehand?
Thanks in advance,
Freesurfer mailing list
You cannot have spaces in the file name unless you enclose it with quotes.
From: on behalf of Hugh Pemberton
Reply-To: Freesurfer support list
Date: Sunday, August 16, 2015 at 1:34 PM
To: "Freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu"
Subject: [Freesurfer] Basic error
Hi freesurfer team
Hi freesurfer team,
I think this is a very basic error with the mri_convert command but I can't
seem to make it work, I'm getting this:
mri_convert $PWD 001.nii
/Applications/freesurfer/subjects/DEM009/dicom/20140731/1835 001.nii
$Id: mri_convert.c,v 2012/09/05 21:55:1
Dear FreeSurfer experts
I have downloaded the FreeSurfer tutorials. When I try to load Freeview in
Matlab with the argument that I found in the group tutorial Freeview will crash
on Mac OS X 10.10.5, but it worked on Fedora 22. I am using Matlab because
Freeview do not have FDR. Fdr is