Hello bruce
I solve this problem(12.png)
Thank you
2015-07-27 13:03 GMT+09:00 dgw :
> Hi A-reum,
> I think you may be able to get a faster response if you include some
> details about your setup: I would start with the following:
> http://surfer.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/fswiki/BugReporting
> and
Hi A-reum,
I think you may be able to get a faster response if you include some
details about your setup: I would start with the following:
and run bugr.
On 7/26/15 5:17 PM, A-reum Min wrote:
> Hi, Bruce
> When i use a Qdec, this me
Maybe Zeke or Ruopeng know?
> On Jul 26, 2015, at 5:17 PM, A-reum Min wrote:
> Hi, Bruce
> When i use a Qdec, this message(12.png) show up..
> How can i solve this problem?
> 2015-07-23 22:57 GMT+09:00 Bruce Fischl :
>> 1. No, each subject has a different #. You can map to fsaverage (t
Hi, Bruce
When i use a Qdec, this message(12.png) show up..
How can i solve this problem?
2015-07-23 22:57 GMT+09:00 Bruce Fischl :
> 1. No, each subject has a different #. You can map to fsaverage (this is
> what -qcache does if you specify it for recon-all), then they will have the
> same #.
I made the label in tkmedit, then i used label2v
Sent from my iPhone
> On Jul 24, 2015, at 12:22 PM, Douglas Greve wrote:
> Sorry, I've lost track of what is going on here. How was
> lh.amyg.faceaw_func.anatconstr.p05.5.3CRFH.n70.mgz
> created?
>> On 7/23/15 12:08 PM, Barbour, Tra
Hello Dr Greve,
Many thanks for replying to me. We are not including eTIV as a covariate.
Since we did not find any correlation with the thickness.
Kind regards,
Freesurfer mailing list
Dear freesurfer experts,
I am trying to find group difference (thickness) among 3 groups (SCA1,
SCA2, SCA3) taking in account one covariate (CAG levels). Will you please
let me know if I need to use DODS or DOSS, though I am more interested in
using DODS. I read the FSGD examples page (