[Freesurfer] Error with trac-all... bvecfile vs bveclist

2015-06-10 Thread Melissa Pangelinan
Hi, I am trying to run trac-all using freesurfer-Linux-centos6_x86_64-stable-pub-v5.3.0 If I set up the configuration file with just one subject as a test, trac-all runs without errors. However, when I update the configuration file for more than one subject, I get the following error: mv -f /scr

[Freesurfer] FS-FAST bbr registration

2015-06-10 Thread sabin khadka
Hi all- Is there a command we can have screenshots (similar to one employed in fsl) of fucntional--> structural registration in FSFAST to visually check the registration on top of the BBR cost?   Cheers, Sabin Khadka ___ Freesurfer mailing list Frees

[Freesurfer] quantifyHippocampalSubfields.sh fails in the current version of freesurfer-Darwin-snowleopard-i686-dev.tar.gz

2015-06-10 Thread Carl Anderson
Hi All, I have been using the quantifyHippocampalSubfields.sh from build 20150507 with no problems. However when I try to run the script in the new build (20150610) it fails if I run with the "T1" flag or without. here is the result with T1: *vermisii:RBrain ca

Re: [Freesurfer] Align functional to anatomical volume

2015-06-10 Thread Douglas N Greve
It is hard to say from those slices, but the registration does not look great to me. It will really rely on you to make the final call though because it is very hard for me to say from a few slices of a partial volume image. You can try changing the intensity (click in the image and hit the 'i'

Re: [Freesurfer] Read .mgz file matlab

2015-06-10 Thread dgw
What command did you type? On Wed, Jun 10, 2015 at 5:32 PM, Mohammed Goryawala wrote: > Hello All, > > I am trying to read .mgz files into matlab on MacOSX using the MRIread > command. > > It returns me the following error: > > SWITCH expression must be a scalar > or string constant. > > Error i

[Freesurfer] Read .mgz file matlab

2015-06-10 Thread Mohammed Goryawala
Hello All, I am trying to read .mgz files into matlab on MacOSX using the MRIread command. It returns me the following error: SWITCH expression must be a scalar or string constant. Error in load_mgh (line 126) switch type Error in MRIread (line 88) [mri.vol, M, mr_parms, volsz] = load_mgh(

Re: [Freesurfer] bad magic number

2015-06-10 Thread Matthew Brett
Hi, > We had the same problem with importing scans into Freesurfer that had been > converted from PAR/REC to NIFTI using nipy. The problem only affected a > subset of the data. When visualising the data with Fiji the brain appeared > highly skewed. Upon closer inspection of the header data of the

Re: [Freesurfer] tkmedit mac

2015-06-10 Thread Joana Braga Pereira
Thanks a lot, it worked! 2015-06-08 21:23 GMT+02:00 Aaron Schultz : > You may need to reinstall XQuartz and/or fix symlinks: > > e.g.: sudo ln -s /opt/X11 /usr/X11R6 ; sudo ln -s /opt/X11 /usr/X11 > > -Aaron Schultz > > > > On Jun 8, 2015, at 9:31 AM, Bruce Fischl > wrote: > > > > Hi J

Re: [Freesurfer] errors after mri_matrix_multiply and tkregister2

2015-06-10 Thread Douglas Greve
Hi Jung, I don't understand what you did or what you are trying to do. Can you elaborate? doug On 6/9/15 1:46 PM, Park, Jung Mi wrote: Hello Freesurfer team I got a warning message when I checked tkregister2 after I did mni152.reg, mri_matrix_multiply command. I got warning messages and fou

Re: [Freesurfer] mirror labels across hemispheres

2015-06-10 Thread Douglas Greve
You can use mri_label2label to create a binary mask of the label (--outmask), then use mris_apply_reg, something like mris_apply_reg --src lh.label.bin.mgh --trg lh.label.bin.on-rh.mgh --streg lh.sphere.reg.fsaverage_sym rh.sphere.reg.fsaverage_sym --no-rev Then use mri_cor2label to convert i

Re: [Freesurfer] Align functional to anatomical volume

2015-06-10 Thread Douglas Greve
It is hard to tell from that image what is going on. Can you post pics of the white surface (green line) on the actual functional instead of the noise image? Also, for the sagittal view, show a slice that is not right on the midline (where there is no surface). doug On 6/9/15 1:22 PM, lucas ho

Re: [Freesurfer] bad magic number

2015-06-10 Thread Jalmar Teeuw
I never used Analyse HDR/IMG format before so I can't tell if the conversion with dcm2nii works, but it may be worth a shot. Are you on Linux or Mac OS X? If you send me the output of the command `head -c350 | hexdump -Cv`, where is the path to your NIFTI file, I could have a look for you if

Re: [Freesurfer] bad magic number

2015-06-10 Thread Kriegel, Jennifer Lynn Sarai
Hi Jalmar, Thanks, that's very helpful because the files I am working with have been transformed more than once, and were originally par/rec files. I do not have those original files - I only have the analyze files which I was trying to convert to .nii, since the hdr file gives a different erro

Re: [Freesurfer] bad magic number

2015-06-10 Thread Jalmar Teeuw
Hi Jennifer, We had the same problem with importing scans into Freesurfer that had been converted from PAR/REC to NIFTI using nipy. The problem only affected a subset of the data. When visualising the data with Fiji the brain appeared highly skewed. Upon closer inspection of the header data of

[Freesurfer] qdec analysis with two covariates

2015-06-10 Thread Annemarie Brandhofe
Dear Freesurfer experts, I would like to study the cortical thickness difference between two groups (two different genotypes) and include age and years of education as covariates. I processed my data with Freesurfer 5.3.0 und I am now running analysis in Qdec. I don't know how to set the design