Hi Martina,
it comes from the tcl/tk code that it interfaces with.
On Thu, 24 Nov 2011,
Martina Papmeyer wrote:
> Hello,
> I have a very simple question but couldn't find an answer yet. What
> does the "tk" actually stand for in tksurfer and tkmedit?
> Many thanks for this info,
Hi Mo,
that's not a problem. We have different normalizations for different
pieces of the recon. For subcortical we use the norm.mgz, which should
*not* be eroding borders of thalamus, pallidum, etc The brain*.mgz
are for cortex, where we don't care about those borders.
On T
I have a very simple question but couldn't find an answer yet. What
does the "tk" actually stand for in tksurfer and tkmedit?
Many thanks for this info, Martina
The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in
Scotland, with registration number SC005336.
I have two different folders where one is processed by recon-all 4.3 and
another by recon-all 5.1. When I compare these two folders I get similar
results for fwhm 30 for group difference which is survives fdr, but when I
compare results that are do not survived fdr I get very different resu
*Postdoc fMRI of Reaching and Grasping, Center for Mind/Brain Sciences,
University of Trento, Italy*
At the Center for Mind/ Brain Sciences (CIMeC), University of Trento there
is soon going to be an opening for a Postdoctoral Fellowship to work with
Dr. Angelika Lingnau (http://www.unitn.it/en/c
I've done the recon-all for all my subjects, and everyone ended with no errors.
First of all, I don't understand if the recon-all do a volume
normalization: why subjects have different number of vertex?if the
comparison isnt't vertex by vertex, how is it done?
Now I want to do a group Analysis
Dear Freesurfer experts,
I would like to use the Yeo_JNeurophysiol11_FreeSurfer parcellations with
my dataset and I am not sure what I have to do. I have used the
mris_annot_to_segmentation command but I have the following error:
mris_annot_to_segmentation BASGU lh inflated