Hello all,
I had two kind of files ( img & hdr). I used fslchfiletype command to
create nii.gz files. img and hdr files replaced by nii.gz files. I used
mri_convert command to create 001.mgz files and I did. Now, when I'm
recon-all for my data it exits with error:
ERROR: talairach_a
The most correlative brain structure with hippocampus (or amygdala) in the
normal population
is the best normalization referenece. I believe the intracrainal volume is the
best reference volume for the volume normalization.
Best regards!
Woo-Suk, Tae
Chucheon, Korea
--- Original Mes
Hi Jed,
that means that your label was created in the volume. If you load it in
tksurfer it will sample it onto the surface and fill in the vertex
numbers. Then you can save it and you should be all set.
On Thu, 6 May 2010,
Jed Singer wrote:
> Hello again!
> I've got a bunch of
I think mri_binarize would do it, or mri_extract_label.
On Thu, 6 May 2010,
Stefan Brauns wrote:
> Thank you for your immediate response.
> That will probably do it. Would I extract these labels with the command
> mri_cor2label or is there an easier way?
> On Thu, May 6, 2010 at
I think most people these days would include ICV as a regressor.
On Thu, 6 May 2010, Gonzalo Rojas Costa wrote:
If we want to compare the hippocampus volume between different patients,
which other volume could I use to normalize it ?... the ICV ?... the volume
of each hemis
Hello again!
I've got a bunch of brain scans, each having in the neighborhood of
100 points I'm interested in (corresponding to subdural electrode
locations). I've also got an .aparc.annot file that has nicely divided
up the cortex into (hopefully) meaningful regions. I also have a bunch
Thank you for your immediate response.
That will probably do it. Would I extract these labels with the command
mri_cor2label or is there an easier way?
On Thu, May 6, 2010 at 5:30 PM, Bruce Fischl wrote:
> Hi Stefan,
> can't you just extract the labels you want from the aparc+aseg.mgz?
> che
Hello All,
We are using qdec for the analysis of relation between thickness, two roi:
par Opercularis, par triangularis; two test: fmri broca and edinburgo. When
I make a design with thickness, one roi and one test in Qdec appears one
question like:
Does the correlation between X and Y, accountin
Hi Stefan,
can't you just extract the labels you want from the aparc+aseg.mgz?
On Thu,
6 May 2010, Stefan Brauns wrote:
> Dear Freesurfer experts,
> I want to create a medial temporal lobe label. Is it possible to merge
> subcortical and cortical labels? Do I therefore need to u
Dear Freesurfer experts,
I want to create a medial temporal lobe label. Is it possible to merge
subcortical and cortical labels? Do I therefore need to use the --regmethod
volume flag of mri_label2label for cortical labels?
Many thanks in advance,
Luke Tseng souhaite se connecter à vous sur LinkedIn :
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- Luke
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hi, no, matlab is not used in the default (structural) processing
stream. it is only used by the FS-FAST toolset included with
freesurfer, which is used for processing fmri data. so you dont need to
mention Matlab.
On Thu, 2010-05-06 at 14:00 -0500, Dr. Luis Guillermo Almeida Montes
I've been using FS, in which the Talairach transform is applied as a
standard space for registration. Instead of the Talairach transformation i
would like to use the MNI 152 as it is done in FSL and SPM. Does anybody
have some experience with this? What would be the impact on the results of
The data in aparc.stats contain surface area, gray matter volume, and
average thickness for whole regions, and are not intended for surface
display. If you want to analyze those regional values use
'aparcstats2table' and then import the data into your preferred
statistical package for further ana
Dear All,
I am sorry to post this message again. Since i am not able to find from the
tutorial and archives what i need i am posting it. I want to compare cortical
thickness values in each region from aparc.stats file between control and
patients. I am wondering whether it is possible to compa
If we want to compare the hippocampus volume between different patients,
which other volume could I use to normalize it ?... the ICV ?... the volume
of each hemisphere ?... And, if I want to compare the amygdala, for example
Gonzalo Rojas Costa
Department of Radiology
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