FYI, Nick-
It may be something to do with the 'comm' program on Mac OS X (assuming
that you wrote the scripts on a UNIX machine), but the labels_intersect
file doesn't quite work properly. However, I do get correct intersection
results from the labels_union script by simply switching 'uniq -u'
Hi Laura,
the cc segmentation comes from the volume stream (aseg). We divide the cc
up into 5 components of equal length along the primary eigendirection of
the cc. You should be able to visualize it easily enough with tkmedit
(load the aseg.mgz as the segmentation and you should see the different
I have some other question on corpus callosum
1) the volumes of the Corpus Callosum (i.e.CC_Posterior, CC_Mid_Posterior,
CC_Central, CC_Mid_Anterior,CC_Anterior only) are the result of wich
segmentation process? the volume based stream ?
2) You wrote me that the Callosum is segmented into