they are initially the same, but if you manually intervene (edit), then
they will differ and we'll be able to tell and avoid overwriting your
On Sat, 24 Feb 2007, Oddbjørn Sæther wrote:
what is the meaning of the .auto.-files generated?
In autorecon1 the is genera
what is the meaning of the .auto.-files generated?
In autorecon1 the is generated, and thereafter copied
to brainmask.mgz.
The same for in autorecon2.
What is the difference between "with/without" auto?
Thanks in advance,
Giri and Binyam,
This problem was encountered once before (by Binyam), and I was not able
to recreate the segmentation fault locally, so can one or both of you do
the following to help me debug this problem? I have posted a version of
mri_ca_register which contains the debugging symbols here:
I agree. You could look at the jacobians across subjects, which will sort
of get at what you want, or surface area by parcellation unit is a good
On Fri, 23 Feb 2007, Don Hagler wrote:
Just a comment: Surface area on a vertex-wise basis doesn't seem very
informative. Before topology fi
Just a comment: Surface area on a vertex-wise basis doesn't seem very
informative. Before topology fixing, the surface area should be about the
same for all vertices (differences should be more or less random). Topology
fixing will add or remove vertices, so the surface area in a "fixed" regi
To get your coordinates into freesurfer space, you need to register them
with the T1 image. You could in theory do this with tkmedit, but in my
experience, the headpoints interface is broken.
I do the registration (manually) with a custom matlab program, but it
requires that you have generate
did you look at the surface? Sounds like the cerebellum or skull is
On Fri, 23 Feb 2007, Juergen Haenggi wrote:
Dear Freesurfer users
the topology fixer is running since about 18 hours on the same
Correcting defect 100 (vertices=23181, convex hull=7929)
In contrast to the oth
Dear Freesurfer users
the topology fixer is running since about 18 hours on the same
Correcting defect 100 (vertices=23181, convex hull=7929)
In contrast to the other defects, the number of vertices involved in this
defect is very large.
Any idea?
Thanks in advance
Best regards
Hi everyone
I need to import EEG coordinates (obtained with
Polhemus system in ASCII format)
in the FreeSurfer workspace. My final aim is
characterize small areas of the cortical surface
(exactly the regions underlaying my sensors position)
with typical parameters of FreeSurfer (cortical