I see. The ribbon actually looks like the result I got when i used
mri_label2vol. So would I be correct in saying that a
that using the flag -proj frac 0, 1, .1 will extract that protion of
?h.ribbon.mgz that is associated with the label?
What exactly does delta (eg., .1) correspond to?
How come
This is done in the newer versions of recon all. It creates
subject/mri/?h.ribbon.mgz using mri_surf2vol. Here's what recon-all does:
set cmd = (mri_surf2vol --mkmask --hemi $hemi)
set cmd = ($cmd --fillribbon --template orig$MGZ)
set cmd = ($cmd --volregidentity $subjid --outvol $he
I'm wandering if its possible to convert a label into a volume so that it fills
the space between the white and pial surfaces used in calculating thickness.
That is, if the label is drawn on the wm surface, is is possible to determine
what points on the pial surface are used to calculate the
yes to the T1. The PD units are arbitrary and includes other things like
Fri, 2 Dec 2005, Christian Haselgrove wrote:
What exactly is contained in the outputs of mri_ms_fitparms? Specifically:
the T1 volume looks like it might have T1 times in ms -- is this correct?
And I ass
Hi Don,
I've modified mri_motion_correct2 to print a warning in this case. You
can make the same mod to your local or you can use the new one
On Wed, 30 Nov 2005, Don Hagler wrote:
Sorry for being overly dramatic. recon-all just quits with error messages:
ERROR: TRs are
What exactly is contained in the outputs of mri_ms_fitparms?
Specifically: the T1 volume looks like it might have T1 times in ms -- is
this correct? And I assume that PD is proton density -- is there a
specific unit attached to these voxel values as well?
That's a pretty old version. Can you download and install a new version?
I actually don't know that much about the interpretation of the color
wheel. Maybe Nouchine or Sari can help with this.
On Fri, 2 Dec 2005, Jane Aspell wrote:
hi again
i'm still really stuck with my retinotopy an
hi again
i'm still really stuck with my retinotopy analysis as i'm not sure if my
version of paint-sess $Id: paint-sess,v 1.2 2003/08/06 00:53:50 greve Exp $
FAST Version 20031218) has a bug in it (it doesn't make the field sign map). i
originally downloaded freesurfer-20040218-Linux.tar.gz (for