no, I don't think so. I guess you'd need a color file as well. It would be
pretty easy
On Wed, 21 Jul 2004, Daniel Goldenholz wrote:
Is there a command out there that converts a set of labels into an annot file
automatically? It would be very useful...
Is there a command out there that converts a set of labels into an annot
file automatically? It would be very useful...
Daniel Goldenholz
Cell: 617-935-9421
This means that the design matrix is ill-conditioned. This can happen if
your using an FIR model (ie, not using -gammafit) and the stimuli are
presented with some fixed timing with respect to each other with the
elapsed time between them being less than the FIR time window. For
example, if you pr
Good morning,
I am getting the following error message whilst trying to run the
selxavg-sess command:
ERROR: paradigm is ill-conditioned (5.37345e+18).
Check your paradigm file for file for periodicities
or for some event types that all ways follow other
event types (or itself).
>> quiting matla