Problems with nansi and 4dos solved:
The problem of getting colorized prompts and directory listings under
4dos has been completely solved with nansi 4.0d.
Additionally, I now get black letters on a bright white background with
nansi 4.0d using the patch below:
c:>debug nansi.sys
> -e 6a2
Hello Eric and thank you for your attention.
The debug patch below worked perfectly
and my dosemu has a nice white background all over the screen.
Goodbye ansi.
Eric Auer wrote:
> Hi Larry,
> black on white is an interesting problem. You cannot get a bright
> background in
Hi Larry,
black on white is an interesting problem. You cannot get a bright
background in normal hardware setting - you would get a blinking
one instead. The ansi escape sequence selects "reverse blinking"
or "black on white blinking", because NORMAL background colors are
not bright... The "bold"
I would like to use a dosemu screen with black letters on a bright white
I run dosemu under Kubuntu linux (Feisty Fawn version)
using 4dos as my command processor. This allows me to use my old
favorite dos programs like SuperCalc, WordStar, Q&A and 4dos.
Personally I date back