Hi Arkady,
> 2. /p is option without argument, so your equal sign is wrong.
This is wrong, /p=fdauto.bat works great for me. FreeCOM-specific syntax.
SHELL=c:\freedos\bin\command.com c:\freedos\bin /e:512 /p=c:\fdauto.bat
> 3. why not move "set path" to other line of you fdconfig.sys?
I assume be
> > SHELL=C:\FDOS\command.com C:\FDOS /D /P=C:\fdauto.bat /K set
> > path=C:\FDOS\bin;C:\UTILS\bin;C:\DJGPP\bin
> I guess you are simply NOT supposed to use /P and /K options at the
> same time. Recommended solution: Move the SET to a separate line of
> (fd)config sys (supported in recent Fr
Hi, if at all, this is a bug in FreeCOM command com:
You write that you get hangs with lines like -->
> SHELL=C:\FDOS\command.com C:\FDOS /D /P=C:\fdauto.bat /K set
> path=C:\FDOS\bin;C:\UTILS\bin;C:\DJGPP\bin
I guess you are simply NOT supposed to use /P and /K options at the
same time. Rec