I already submitted a search utility back in April 2003, one I wrote in
1997. You can download it from my website at
http://www.geocities.com/xsaintx69/freedos It's called, "Search". Can you
guess what it does?
This SF.net e
tchFiles(Dir); {searches from where you are down the tree structure
unless you specify the root directory}
end. {Where}
End of Source Previous Line***
-Original Message-----
From: Jim Hall [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thu
No You! wrote:
Back in the old DOS days, I used to use a very good file finding program
named WIZ.
I just received an email from its author, letting me know he fixed it to
work with Win XP, as well as a few other things. Here is his sstatement:
WIZ now completely supports Windows XP and Windows200
Back in the old DOS days, I used to use a very good file finding program
named WIZ.
I just received an email from its author, letting me know he fixed it to
work with Win XP, as well as a few other things. Here is his sstatement:
WIZ now completely supports Windows XP and Windows2000, including