Some kind person on the net once submitted to me a very nice piece of
Pascal code able (allegedly) to determine up to 30 different kinds of
media. Unfortunately, I no longer know where I do have it.
I wrote a small piece of code to detect 4-5 types for FreePascal some
time ago, but I doubt
On Fri, 2006-01-13 at 23:54 +0100, Andre Tertling wrote:
> Hello everybody,
> I just wanted to keep you updated on my odyssey. After a lot of
> experiments and desperate digging in Ralf Brown's interrupt list, I
> found out that my Turbo Pascal compiler is somehow broken. I used inline
> asse
Hello everybody,
I just wanted to keep you updated on my odyssey. After a lot of
experiments and desperate digging in Ralf Brown's interrupt list, I
found out that my Turbo Pascal compiler is somehow broken. I used inline
assembler to call some Int21h functions, and to my greatest surprise, I
Dear Mailinglist members,
I am currently working on a legacy project that needs some updating.
While reviving my Turbo Pascal and Assembler skills, I stumbled across
one strange thing. My Application needs to enumerate the available
drives (C:, D:, etc.) and determine their types. In addition,