Indeed, it was the environment variable
Thanks for the help.
> Message du 07/04/13 03:24
> De : "Rugxulo"
> A : "Raymond WARICHET" , "Discussion and general questions about FreeDOS."
> Copie à :
Maybe I miss a parameter, environment variable or setting somewhere ?
Thank you
> Message du 03/04/13 05:30
> De : "Rugxulo"
> A : "Raymond WARICHET" , "Discussion and general questions about FreeDOS."
> Copie à :
> Objet : Re: [Freedos-user]
OK, thank you
Any hint about the help, please ?
Also, html help doesn't work, error message "Unable to find help.html" although
the file is in the current directory and
the path points to C:\ODIN\help\en. Any hint to make it work or a pointer to
the on-line help ?
When booting FreeDOS, my display is offset by 1 char, the leftmost character is
instead of C:\ODIN
I see :\ODIN
NB: this is not a hardware problem, as the display works fine with other OS
I seem to remember from the early days, that the MODE CON: could help, but
don't find the right