t's the problem.
And you will get more precice help.
Copying all driver files (OEMSETUP.INF, ...) to ms-client
extracted directory, and run setup, might solve the probrem.
Remember you still choose [*Network adapter not shown on list below ...].
Mikiya Ma
> i try to use ssh2dos and work perfectly!!! the net is working, now i
> need to mount in FreeDOS a samba shared folder, and i don't know how
> to do that, i googled and i can get a answer, where i can find this
> info?¿
> Do you have wget and wput working in FreeDOS (usng packet drivers)? I
> would be very interested in that.
There's no wput, just a free http server on WINDOWS, and
"C:\FDOS\BIN\WGET.EXE" with packet driver.
Mikiya Matsuz
I finally gave up using MS LanMan nor MS Client.
I launched an httpd on my WinXP and the files are easily gotten
from FreeDOS with wget command.
Just reported (and recommended).
Mikiya Matsuzaka <[EMAIL PROTEC
h Windows Network also.
Debian can access both internet and Windows Network by default.
Yet, I don't find better default than MS LanMan's 'NET' command.
This is good links to start with.
He also told me about MS Client, but it seems
less stable than LANMAN at least on FreeDOS 1.0
at least on VMware 5.0.
I prefer LANMAN because it's *obsolete*, it's fine
point for us I think.
Mikiya Matsuza
Sorry, I missed URL,
Mikiya Matsuzaka <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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I tried setver.exe from Win98, but results same.
Somebody succeeded in running MS LanMan?
Mikiya Matsuzaka <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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