> Date: Sun, 21 Jun 2009 18:45:23 -0400 (EDT)
> From: Bonnie Dalzell
> On Sun, 21 Jun 2009, kurt godel wrote:
> > Bonnie, I don't know if you are using a dial up modem, but I have cable
> > company online, and the latest puppy
> > for sure, is *instantly* ready to work, whether live cd or instal
> > From: Pat Villani
> > Subject: [Freedos-user] Some simple list rules
> > Date: Saturday, June 20, 2009, 8:46 AM
> >
> > 1. Please remember that this is a users mailing list.
> > Many of these folks are non technical and may not under-
> > stand the ramifications of what they are asking for.
(Prior posters' names deleted to protect the guilty)
> > and - BTW - FreeDOS does NOT want to be a Windows 9x replacement.
> Of course not. It wants to be a MS-DOS replacement.
It continually amazes me how, especially in the Free Software world,
non-sentient things like "software", "information",
> Date: Mon, 3 Nov 2008 06:03:37 -0500
> From: "kurt godel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Here's a dumb question about the 'xcopy ' command: I have a source directory
> called 's', and a destination
> directory called 'd'; Both of them are in the same directory, say 'c'. If I
> do: cd d, then xcopy s /s
> Date: Mon, 18 Aug 2008 12:05:05 -0700
> From: robinson-west user <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> I have a Tandy Color Computer 3. My 5.25" floppies are mostly dead.
> What I'm wondering is, beyond software to read COCO disks under dos is
> there software that will allow me to replace the disk drives via
I'm glad to see that FreeDOS 1.0 is out. Thanks to the people who made
it happen!
As part of my own promotion of FreeDOS 1.0, I plan to make some CDs to
distribute. Has anyone worked up an image file (.jpg,.png, .tif, etc.)
for a FreeDOS CD label? If so, where is it available? I haven't been