>> I have heard of DosBox, but I understand it is not free. I could purchase
>> multiple copies for distribution with my software. The cost is no problem,
>> but I
>> prefer to make things simple, if possible. I haven’t tried it yet.
If you mean the DosBox of http://dosbox.sf.net/, it is free un
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For DOS networking stuff, I usually use Bart's Network Boot Disk:
It connects to SMB shares, too. It's possible to use bits of it to setup
networking on a HD install of DOS, too. I haven't done it for a few
years so I can't be more specific, I'm afraid.
-- Jack
Daniel Fodor wrote:
> Please, unsubscribe me
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Nick Warren wrote:
> You know what would be really awesome in FreeDOS? multitasking. There
> are no open source multitaskers for DOS. They used to have some programs
> that did that a long time ago, but they were all proprietary. When I say
> "multitasking", I don't mean "task switching" like in