>I have found that the best DosBox for this kind of thing is "DosBox-X".
>It supports applications better than the original DosBox.
Relooking over dosbox-x, yup, seems to have everything anybody might
need, including all of their wants such as networking. Focused on other
things that really mat
Personally, I have zero interest in any on the versions of DOS that Microsoft
has open sourced.
Versions 1.25, 2.0 and 4.0. Really? Those aren’t even the good versions of
MS-DOS. I think if they were serious, they would release 3.3, 5.0 and 6.22. It
feels like they are only placating to the op
My only surprise was your use of the word *all* where Microsoft is
Speaking personally, their having released say 6.22, would have drawn a
bit of a buzz I imagine.
On Sun, 12 May 2024, Travis Siegel wrote:
Microsoft itself has only released source for dos versions 1.25,
Roger via Freedos-user writes:
> Anyways, Word Perfect 6.2 is working using Dosbox Staging, albeit
> without copy/paste, as I think the copy/paste function likely works for
> Dosemu. And, have dosbox auto starting with word perfect, using bash
> alias:
> alias wp='dosbox -conf /home/roger/d