I don't think any 1980s DOS computing experience is complete without
thinking about Bulletin Board Services and the "big" online services.
If this was 1988, we'd be talking on a FIDOnet echo, or there would be a
"FreeDOS BBS" whose number we'd get from a text file list of BBSes we'd
download over
> I did not catch how to do LPT interrupt, real and protected mode. It
> would be a great help if there is an example.
> I work with watcom and realized it, but only once, then the ISR is
> never called again.
> May be LPT is not very often used.
It would help to know exactly what you're trying to
> I'm thinking about doing a video that shows how to do real work on
> DOS. I sometimes see comments on YouTube with people asking "could
> you really do *work* with DOS?" And the answer is of course you can,
> that happened every day.
> So I'm collecting a list of things you'd do in the 80s and