> It's been a while since i use freedos on asus eeepc with portuguese from
> portugal and if i recall i can't write the * with shift and *+" key and
> since there is no numeric keypad.
a) what keyboard driver are you using?
b) IIRC (20 years later) there was 'portuguese' and 'portuguse brazil
It's been a while since i use freedos on asus eeepc with portuguese from
portugal and if i recall i can't write the * with shift and *+" key and
since there is no numeric keypad.
I haven't tested on a vm...
On Fri, Sep 29, 2023 at 9:03 AM Eric Auer via Freedos-user <
FreeDos need's update in the keyboard and languages, there is support for
that in open-source environments, but I don't know how to implement them.
For example I'm using a portuguese keyboard and it doesn't support it, so
Iam in trouble's
Actually FreeDOS has no problems with Portuguese