Hi Bret,
When you don't like the message, you shoot the messenger? What we're
talking about here is a much larger issue than the Euro symbol -- the
Euro symbol is just a specific example we can use to discuss the
larger issue.
I disagree. It is not unusual that text displays with weird char
> how would MKEYB detect that code point 213 represents dotless i or
> €, or what the correct code point for € is in the new selected
> codepage? and how about äÄáàâÁÀÂ?
The same way it knows that Code Point 213 is the Euro symbol in Code Page 858
-- by the programmer (you) doing the research and
>> under
>> what circumstances this is relevant so we can reproduce the problem
>> and it's solution.
> We've already showed you the problem and how to fix it. With
> MKEYB, the Euro character is not generated correctly unless the Code
> Page is one where the Euro symbol is ASCII 213. This is t