Can't hurt to have. I'll probably translate it to C.
Happy Hacking,
David E. McMackins II
Supporting Member, Electronic Frontier Foundation (#2296972)
Associate Member, Free Software Foundation (#12889)
On 08/04/2018 10:53 A
I wrote a program years ago which probes the 16-bit interrupt dispatch table
under DOS and saves the addresses of all 256 handlers to a file you specify. If
you like, I can dig up the old VB source. Let me know.
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‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐
On August 4, 2
I'm wanting to set up a packet driver, but it asks for which packet int
number to use. From the packet driver specification, I see this is
supposed to be between 0x60 and 0x80, but how can I tell if any of these
are already taken?
Happy Hacking,
David E. McMackins II
Supporting Member, Electronic