[Freedos-user] New FreeDOSers Monthly Reminder

2012-08-31 Thread jp_freedos
/* This is an automated message sent out on the 1st of each month. It is automagically downloaded from http://freedos.sourceforge.net/freedos/lists/remind.txt */ MONTHLY REMINDER FOR THE FREEDOS MAILING LISTS Hi! If you are new to the FreeDOS mailing lists, welcome! If you have been a list membe

Re: [Freedos-user] FreeDOS on Software Freedom Day 2012

2012-08-31 Thread wiwa64
Saluton Ivan, Saluton Rughulo, kaj eble ech aliaj? Mi ne konsciis, ke estas tiom da esperanto-parolantoj kiuj ankorau okupighas pri la DOS operacisistemo :-) -- Live Security Virtual Conference Exclusive live event wil