> That would suggest that you got some of the syntax or maybe order of
> loading things wrong - Can you try if it works with another kernel
> or other keyb versions?
If it crashes, it's a bug, even if the wrong loading order or syntax was
> Maybe problems are limited to some versions.
Saluton Ruĝulo,
Hallo Eric,
Hello all,
I have tried to contact Xarilaos by clicking at "Send me a message"
there at Sourceforge's page but there was an error message:
Incorrect Account Type
The recepient has not provided contact details.
Xarilaos, if you're reading this, please
Hi Christian,
>> It uses kernel 2039 and COUNTRY.SYS, and it more or less works ...
>> except for KEYB. For some reason, every computer I try, every memory
>> manager, even disabling certain things (CTmouse), it *always* dumps an
>> exception when trying to load KEYB. In fact, KEYB never loads...