20-Jan-2010 числа в 20:07 часов, Bernd Blaauw написал(а) следующее:
> > bzip2 -d slowo.tar.bz2
> >> bzip2.exe: I/O or other error, bailing out. Possible reason follows.
> >> bzip2.exe: Input or output error (EIO)
> >> Input file = slowo.tar.bz2, output file = slowo.tar
> >> bzip2.exe: De
20-Jan-2010 числа в 07:37 часов, Mateusz Viste написал(а) следующее:
> > bzip2 -d slowo.tar.bz2
> > bzip2.exe: I/O or other error, bailing out. Possible reason follows.
> > bzip2.exe: Input or output error (EIO)
> > Input file = slowo.tar.bz2, output file = slowo.tar
> > bzip2.exe: Deleti
I was wondering if I could get a raw drive/partition image to write a USB stick.
I tried the floppy image from another site just to see if it would work. :) I
booted and it said the words "FreeDOS" but went no further. I'm guessing the
partition setup is not the same on a floppy?
Anyways, j
Bernd Blaauw wrote:
> Are you sure it isn't an 8.3 filename issue? slowo.tar.bz2 sounds like a
> long filename to me. DOS tools aren't the greatest in handline it, try
> renaming the file?
A filename issue would produce "No such file or directory (ENOENT)".
Robert Riebisch
BTTR Software
Op 20-1-2010 7:37, Mateusz Viste schreef:
> bzip2 -d slowo.tar.bz2
>> bzip2.exe: I/O or other error, bailing out. Possible reason follows.
>> bzip2.exe: Input or output error (EIO)
>> Input file = slowo.tar.bz2, output file = slowo.tar
>> bzip2.exe: Deleting output file slowo.tar, if it e