> (you can also try the Intel Plug and Play Manager for DOS, freeware)
Or you can try the open-source ISA PnP tools. A real-mode DOS port is here:
Fall is my favorite season in Los Angeles, watching the birds change
color and fall from
http://mpxplay.cjb.net/ DOS mp3 / cd / ... player with AC97
http://johnson.tmfc.net/freedos/qcdrom.html DOS CD driver
http://www.coli.uni-saarland.de/~eric/stuff/soft/ cdrom2ui tiny CD player
... you might also need volume control for AC97...
http://www.coli.uni-saarland.de/~eric/stuff/soft/ pcisl
I just finished installing DOS 6.22. I have had no DOS experience and
wanted to get some experience with it.
DOS 6.22 also does not come with sound. I will be looking around to see
what I can do to get it to play
music from a CD.
Lélio Ronei Knop wrote:
Hello...My English not good, i am brazilian...My sound is: VIA AC'
97 Audio (Wave)Not work in Free-dos:(
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