Eric Auer wrote:
Hi all, thanks to Blair for telling me about HXRT and big cheers to
Japheth for his HXRT DOSX variant :-). So yes, DOS boxes work in
WIN /S (only full screen DOS boxes, which are suspended while they
are not the foreground task - classical WIN /S style imho) with his
DOSX in Fre
perhaps you typed "@echo on" instead of simply "echo on".
In the first case, your command won't be echoed on the screen.
I'm not taking you for a newbie; it just happens that sometimes we're
distracted and don't see things right in front of us. :-)
- Original Message -
There is a "set" before "osdir" but thing is it doesn't even display the "echo
on" I wrote one line before it. I think it is some problem with the
filesystem... It got corrupted or something.
I'm gonna make a new raw image file for qemu, tomorrow, and gonna reinstall
freedos again.