Uploaded to ftp://ftp.devoresoftware.com/downloads/emm386 are the files
emmx14.zip, EMM386/HIMEM mostly executable package, and emms14.zip,
EMM386/HIMEM mostly source package.
This EMM386 version 1.14 update contains a number of revisions and is
generally recommended for everyone. It corrects
Hi Eric,
You wrote:
> Hi, for using Linux to make an USB stick bootable, please do the following:
> Use fdisk to mark the partition on the stick as active / bootable
> Copy FreeDOS files to the partition, at least command com and kernel sys
> (can be found e.g. on http://fdos.org/kernel/ and free
I've been through the archives and and FAQ, along with a number of
other web pages, but it's still not clear to me how to create a bootable
USB stick with freedos.
My particular problem is that I have a mini-PC with no floppy inteface.
I'd like to flash the BIOS, and of course the manufact