Re: Status of wireless driver development for Raspberry Pi?

2021-06-03 Thread Ronald Klop
On 6/2/21 8:47 PM, Ronald Klop wrote: On 5/31/21 10:43 PM, John F Carr wrote: According to a page that hasn't been updated for a while ( work is in progress on Broadcom wireless drivers for the Raspberry Pi 3 and 4.  I'm supposed to start by building th

Re: Can't enable SDIO wifi module on PBP

2021-06-05 Thread Ronald Klop
Hi, People with more knowledge about this should anwer instead of me. But as far as I know there is no driver for this WiFi module on FreeBSD. Regards, Ronald. Van: KIRIYAMA Kazuhiko Datum: vrijdag, 4 juni 2021 13:19 Aan: CC: Onderwerp: Re: Can't enabl