I *was* using it for my BCM4331 prior to 11-BETA, when it mysteriously broke.
If I can find some time this weekend I’ll have another go at getting it working.
Felix Friedlander
> On 6 Apr 2017, at 3:53 pm, Adrian Chadd wrote:
> hiya,
> I don't know of anyone actively using it, sorry.
Hi -
I would be very interested in hearing how that goes! The BCM4331---along with
some fan and keyboard-light control patches to asmc which have yet to be
integrated[1]---is the sole remaining bit of inoperative hardware on 2012
Macbook Pros.
- John
[1]: https://bugs.freebsd.org/bugzilla/s
can someone else verify this keyboard-light control patch set is OK? I
can merge it if needed.
On 6 April 2017 at 11:17, John O. Brickley wrote:
> Hi -
> I would be very interested in hearing how that goes! The BCM4331---along
> with some fan and keyboard-light control patc