Re: RTL8192EE Support

2020-05-25 Thread waddlesplash
master/sys/dev/rtwn/pci/rtwn_pci_attach.h However, since 8192CE is supported, perhaps adding 8192EE is not so difficult (however, I am not very familiar with rtwn.) -waddlesplash ___ mailing list

Re: pondering WiFi forwards

2020-04-27 Thread waddlesplash
; if we had a way to specifically earmark funding for WiFi, and only WiFi (or at least, WiFi plus less-maintained ethernet drivers), I could petition our Inc. to donate, and the community at large, too. It wouldn't be a lot, but if you are only part-time anyway, perh

Re: rtwn driver

2019-08-13 Thread waddlesplash
. You're a little late to the party: :) -waddlesplash ___ mailing list To uns

Re: iwm8265 and 802.11ac or 802.11n

2019-08-08 Thread waddlesplash
ed by iwm, yes. 802.11ac is definitely not implemented and I don't think anyone's working on it either. -waddlesplash ___ mailing list To unsubscr

Re: failed to initialize Intel 9560 wifi driver

2019-01-23 Thread waddlesplash
FlyBSD changes (ivadasz' work, not mine) which refactor quite a bit of iwm's firmware and device state tracking code, and bring a lot of it closer to Linux's behavior. This might be relevant to your work? -waddlesplash ___ freebsd-wireles

Re: wireless coordination and who's working on what?

2019-01-11 Thread waddlesplash
p;status=new&status=reopened&type=bug&component=%5EDrivers%2FNetwork&col=id&col=summary&col=status&col=owner&col=type&col=priority&col=milestone&desc=1&order=id -waddlesplash ___ mailing

Haiku's usage of the FreeBSD net80211 stack and drivers

2018-06-27 Thread waddlesplash
a while and a good amount of assistance to figure out.) Anyway, thanks for the help so far, and thanks for a (mostly) portable net80211 stack! -waddlesplash [1]: [2]: