Re: AC support status

2020-01-27 Thread Matthias Gamsjager
> > I think Adrian might still be working on it with athp and I am currently > trying > to finish two drivers for FreeBSD (and possibly add a 3rd one) and then > would > like to do whatever needs to be done to get us ac/ad/ax and by that time > probably ay support. > > /bz > How difficult would it

Fwd: AC support status

2020-01-22 Thread Matthias Gamsjager
Hi, I found this page ( about the AC support but it hasn't been updated in quite some time. Is there another page that lists the current progress or could someone here share a status rapport on how things are progressing in that area? regards Matthias _

AC support status

2020-01-22 Thread Matthias Gamsjager
Hi, I found this page ( about the AC support but it hasn't been updated in quite some time. Is there another page that lists the current progress or could someone here share a status rapport on how things are progressing in that area? regards Matthias _