Re: Is anyone working on adding Intel Comet Lake Wi-FI support?

2021-05-27 Thread Bjoern A. Zeeb
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Re: Is anyone working on adding Intel Comet Lake Wi-FI support?

2021-05-24 Thread Bjoern A. Zeeb
On Thu, 20 May 2021, Bjoern A. Zeeb wrote: Hi, On 20 May 2021, at 12:48, Berislav Purgar wrote: Any info will be great .. +100 from me. I resumed working on this yesterday updating and extracting the iwlwifi specific bits from my dev repo. I’ll have a better update for you by Monday


2021-05-22 Thread Bjoern A. Zeeb
On 6 May 2021, at 14:14, Teo Kang Hoe wrote: Hi, > 1) > i have problems trying to get.the wireless mediatek MT7601U to work in > freeBSD 13. MT7601U is the separate GPL-Only driver if I remember correctly. I happen to have one as well but it is less likely anyone will work on an out-of-tree driv

Re: Is anyone working on adding Intel Comet Lake Wi-FI support?

2021-05-20 Thread Bjoern A. Zeeb
On 20 May 2021, at 12:48, Berislav Purgar wrote: Any info will be great .. +100 from me. Developers might have seen that I was gone for a while. I resumed working on this yesterday updating and extracting the iwlwifi specific bits from my dev repo. I’ll have a better update for you by Mond

Re: Correct net80211 channel flag.

2021-04-02 Thread Bjoern A. Zeeb
On 2 Apr 2021, at 6:44, Adrian Chadd wrote: I've got this in my local tree now. That’s not a good idea? I have a note to go dig up which draft I yanked this from and update it with reference to the draft and the current spec. Thanks for pointing this out! Aehm, am I missing something but

Re: Is anyone working on adding Intel Comet Lake Wi-FI support?

2021-03-30 Thread Bjoern A. Zeeb
adding support for these cards? It's an AX201, right? If so, yes. I have no CNVi or AX201 to test with but assumptions are it will work. Can I get back to you mid-/end next week? -- Bjoern A. Zeeb r15:7 __

Re: erikan/athp atheros drv ?

2020-12-04 Thread Bjoern A. Zeeb
On 4 Dec 2020, at 17:38, Adrian Chadd wrote: Hi You have to update to -head because we are also updating APIs in net80211 and such as part of it. Though at this point all these changes should have been merged back to stable/12; 12.2-RELEASE will probably not compile (and so won’t anything wi

Re: Using a Volans VL-UW30-FD with FreeBSD

2020-10-22 Thread Bjoern A. Zeeb
On 22 Oct 2020, at 9:02, Peter Jeremy via freebsd-wireless wrote: Whilst I'm waiting for ath10x support, I purchased a Volans VL-UW30-FD USB dongle[1]. According to the specs, it contains a Realtek RTL8192EU but usbconfig reports: idVendor = 0x0bda idProduct = 0xf192 whilst usbdevs says t

Re: AX200 wifi development

2020-09-16 Thread Bjoern A. Zeeb
On 16 Sep 2020, at 23:27, Michael Jurbala wrote: There's been some discussion on here about updating FreeBSD wifi. I believe some of it was for ac but I think I also saw testing for ax. I have a new motherboard with Intel AX200 wifi and I wanted to see if there was anything I could do to help

Re: Edimax EW-7811Un (rtwn): Slow speeds / rate control

2020-09-16 Thread Bjoern A. Zeeb
On 16 Sep 2020, at 23:01, James Wright wrote: This build is from stable/12 rather than HEAD, so it may not be broken there, if that's any help. I synched code last week, so what’s in head is in stable/12 (from a WiFi perspective). Some of the locking is different, so the panic people see

Re: regdomain.xml [was also: - Linux wireless-regdb]

2020-08-09 Thread Bjoern A. Zeeb
Hi, I’ll just join in on the last email in the thread not replying to anything specific. Having gone through some of the stuff lately myself in order to put [1] out (which is also includes a few things to discuss) I’ll try to summarise a few things I’ve learnt and thought of, which confused

Re: Current state of recent wireless cards

2020-07-13 Thread Bjoern A. Zeeb
On 10 Jul 2020, at 21:33, Emmanuel Vadot wrote: That's a bit optimistic that attach and firmware loading is half of the work no ? I don't know how much linuxkpi layer is needed for 80211 compat but I guess it's "a lot" ? Part of that “lot” is that as Adrian also indicates the net80211 parts

Re: Current state of recent wireless cards

2020-07-09 Thread Bjoern A. Zeeb
On 9 Jul 2020, at 11:24, wrote: Hi Dreis, I was wondering what the current state of the following wireless cards is: * Intel Wireless-AC 9560 (T490 wifi card) * Intel Wi-Fi 6 AX201 (T14 wifi card) I am currently working under FreeBSD Foundation Sponsors

status-report 11ac, Intel - request for testing Intel Wireless PCI attach

2020-07-04 Thread Bjoern A. Zeeb
Hi, it’s about time for an update on the Intel WiFi and 11ac client project. As you can read in the 2020Q2 status report [2] (once its out) as well, the decision was to port over the dual-licensed native Linux driver under BSD license and using linuxkpi rather than extending iwm(4) as a first

Re: FreeBSD wifi Usb (pfsense)

2020-06-13 Thread Bjoern A. Zeeb
On 13 Jun 2020, at 19:10, Vladimir Botka wrote: On Sat, 13 Jun 2020 11:32:42 -0700 Adrian Chadd wrote: On Sat, 13 Jun 2020 at 11:26, Vladimir Botka wrote: .. buy and USB wifi adapter with support on 2,4GHz and 5GHz Can you help me to search one model with 2,4 and 5Ghz support? I'm usin

Re: status-report 11ac, Intel

2020-05-22 Thread Bjoern A. Zeeb
On 6 May 2020, at 2:13, Dave Jones wrote: Hi Dave, Thanks for the update. For me I only care about the wifi on RPi. Could you tell us what the current status about Broadcom fullmac wifi support [1]? It's weird that it have been developed for almost a year, without any patch available. [1] h

pondering WiFi forwards

2020-04-27 Thread Bjoern A. Zeeb
Hi, there is a longer-term vision that’s been floating around for more than a year now. I was contemplating it last year around BSDCan times when my private life came in the way. Times now are not exactly easy for most of us either at the moment. I want to float it around for discussion an

status-report 11ac, Intel

2020-04-27 Thread Bjoern A. Zeeb
Hi, some of you had seen the tweet from the Foundation a longer while ago (or the phoronix article [1]) that they are sponsoring 11ac work and “it’s me” who’s looking at it now part-time. For this work the initial focus will be on getting 11ac (non-AP) support into our stack. We’ll be using

Re: FreeBSD with wireless support for Raspberry Pi 3

2020-02-29 Thread Bjoern A. Zeeb
On 24 Feb 2020, at 7:20, Dave Jones wrote: Hi, I have read that wireless will work on RPi 3: What's the c

Re: AC support status

2020-01-22 Thread Bjoern A. Zeeb
On 22 Jan 2020, at 8:55, Matthias Gamsjager wrote: Hi, I found this page ( about the AC support but it hasn't been updated in quite some time. Is there another page that lists the current progress or could someone here share a status rapport on how thing

Re: Intel AC 9560 on Lenovo X1 Extreme

2020-01-14 Thread Bjoern A. Zeeb
On 14 Jan 2020, at 16:03, Mark Johnston wrote: On Mon, Jan 13, 2020 at 09:41:26PM -0800, Ihor Antonov wrote: Hi Mark According to your comment: id=227044#c39 I have Lenovo X1 Extreme with 9560 card. I am trying to install FreeBSD from latest s

Looking for an official Raspberry Pi USB WiFi Dongle?

2019-10-28 Thread Bjoern A. Zeeb
Hi, I know there’s a lot of USB Wifi dongles out there. I am specifically looking for an official Raspberry Pi USB WiFi Dongle (which are discontinued): In case anyone has one by accident and no longer needs it (or is willi

Re: wlan can't discover known networks after relocating

2019-09-19 Thread Bjoern A. Zeeb
On 19 Sep 2019, at 12:28, Tom Jones wrote: Hi, freebsd-wireless might be a better list for all this .. On Tue, Sep 17, 2019 at 04:36:28PM +, Poul-Henning Kamp wrote: In message <>, Johannes Lundber g writes: For a long time now

wireless coordination and who's working on what?

2019-01-07 Thread Bjoern A. Zeeb
Hi, I’ve been and am involved in two projects over the last 6 months related to FreeBSD wireless. I know there are some out there like me working on this or that; some known better some less. I’d love to start coordinating efforts and get an overview on who’s got his hands dirty in what and

Re: device otus unknown

2018-11-12 Thread Bjoern A. Zeeb
On 12 Nov 2018, at 22:03, Adrian Chadd wrote: > yeah, that we'll have to look into.. I was going to say that might be easy: Index: sys/conf/files === --- sys/conf/files (revision 340282) +++ sys/conf/files (working copy) @


2018-11-08 Thread Bjoern A. Zeeb
On 27 Oct 2018, at 18:43, tech-lists wrote: On 27/10/2018 18:50, Bjoern A. Zeeb wrote: ugen1.3: at usbus1, cfg=0 md=HOST spd=HIGH (480Mbps) pwr=ON (450mA) bLength = 0x0012 bDescriptorType = 0x0001 bcdUSB = 0x0200 bDeviceClass = 0x bDeviceSubClass = 0x bDeviceProtocol


2018-10-27 Thread Bjoern A. Zeeb
On 27 Oct 2018, at 16:01, tech-lists wrote: Hi, context: 12-stable amd64 When TP-LINK TL-WN321G usb dongle is inserted, this appears in dmesg: ugen1.3: at usbus1 .. run0: MAC/BBP RT5390 (rev 0x0502), RF RT5370 (MIMO 1T1R), address [REDACTED] .. and run0 appears, and works, yet: rum(4) s