others to
discover and use FreeBSD relatively painlessly, so I'm thinking it would be
helpful in general to the FreeBSD community.
Can somebody point me in the right direction here?
Jeff Terrell, Ph.D. | Chief Technology Officer
(919) 357-3116 | www.a
nd status: Backend fetch failed
> Transaction ID: 143895569
I was able to subscribe by replying to the email, however.
Jeff Terrell, Ph.D. | Chief Technology Officer
(919) 357-3116 | www.altometrics.com
Then others who might be
interested in FreeBSD could play around with it on their Linux hosts
via docker.
And I suppose, since I need to mount a volume, I'd need to mount it
both into the docker container and, from there, through KVM to
FreeBSD. Not fun, but plausible at least.
how to pass commands and mount volumes from docker -> FreeBSD via
KVM—that could be a nice "evangelism" move to give the masses who use
docker a cheap and easy way to try out FreeBSD. Plus, such an image
could be used to provide FreeBSD support for other software as well