Hi Danny,
I got bhyve running mainly using vm (thanks Matt), and though I
succeeded to boot diskless, as soon as I configure a disk, it will
boot of it. So Q: is there a ‘simple’ way to change/set the boot
order? I’m using the uefi boot.
Not yet: UEFI boot order is currently fixed (removable, t
> On 9 Aug 2020, at 12:53, Peter Grehan wrote:
> Hi Danny,
>> I got bhyve running mainly using vm (thanks Matt), and though I
>> succeeded to boot diskless, as soon as I configure a disk, it will
>> boot of it. So Q: is there a ‘simple’ way to change/set the boot
>> order? I’m using the ue
To view an individual PR, use:
https://bugs.freebsd.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=(Bug Id).
The following is a listing of current problems submitted by FreeBSD users,
which need special attention. These represent problem reports covering
all versions including experimental development code and ob
suspend/resume/migrate works fine up to 11.3,
in 12.1 it usually becomes very unresponsive, ping can take several minutes
after a suspend/migrate.
switching to em works fine.
any ideas on how to save this?
> Am 10.08.2020 um 07:27 schrieb Daniel Braniss :
> hi,
> suspend/resume/migrate works fine up to 11.3,
> in 12.1 it usually becomes very unresponsive, ping can take several minutes
> after a suspend/migrate.
> switching to em works fine.
> any ideas on how to save this?
You need to