I have a PCIe USB card which is exported to the bhyve vm using
passthrough. I have tried to use the card in Ubuntu, Debian 8 and Centos
7. Each time the OS has given a segmentation fault on bootup and killed
the bhyve session. This is what i get in the bhyve-log:
Aug 17 01:49:39: initialising
I have a PCIe USB card which is exported to the bhyve vm using
passthrough. I have tried to use the card in Ubuntu, Debian 8 and Centos
7. Each time the OS has given a segmentation fault on bootup and killed
the bhyve session. This is what i get in the bhyve-log:
Is stderr logged anywhere
Unfortunately, i dont see a stderr log. I am using vm-bhyve for managing
the vm's.
# pciconf -l -BbcV pci0:129:0:0
ppt3@pci0:129:0:0: class=0x0c0330 card=0x11001b73 chip=0x11001b73
rev=0x10 hdr=0x00
bar [10] = type Memory, range 64, base 0xfb20, size 65536, enabled
bar [18] =
After setting debug="YES" in the vm's conf file, i get the following:
# cat bhyve.log
rdmsr to register 0x34 on vcpu 0
On 08/16/2017 09:38 PM, Peter Grehan wrote:
> Hi,
>> I have a PCIe USB card which is exported to the bhyve vm using
>> passthrough. I have tried to use the card in Ubuntu, Deb
Setting -w flag (https://forums.freebsd.org/threads/47951/) using
"ignore_bad_msr=1" also doesnt help,
Aug 17 03:25:39: /usr/local/sbin/grub-bhyve -S -m
/tank/vm/openhab1/device.map -M 512M -r hd0,msdos1 openhab1
Aug 17 03:25:42: [bhyve options: -c 1 -m 512M -AHPw -U