Sorry for the bad post, on the road.
This has been known since the 6.1 release. There was discussion on the
OpenBSD misc@ list. This is due to strict features check on CPUs in 6.1 and
above. From memory it is a -w addition when starting bhyve to get around
it. It only applies to certain Intel CPUs
Hey C.L. Martinez,
Sorry for the top post as I'm responding from my phone.
HardenedBSD has fixed this in bhyve for quite a few months. I'm unsure if
Peter Grehan plans to pull in the commits, but he knows about them.
On Jun 3, 2017 15:49, "C. L. Martinez" wrote:
> Hi all,
Hi all,
I am trying ot install OpenBSD 6.1 bhyve guest under a FreeBSD 11-STABLE
r318134. When I try to start installation, the following error appears:
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