Thanks Trent!
I found sometime (leftover time from a full-time work, a newborn and
certificate study :/) today to give a try your advise.
This is what I ended up with;
- assigning an static IP address to tap0 on the host machine
- assigning an static IP address to vtnet0 on the guest machine
Hi there,
As mentioned in this bug report [1], VirtualbBox no longer supports USB 2.0/3.0
device sharing in FreeBSD.
Section 21.6.2 in the handbook [2] should be updated to reflect the fact.
This bug report has been around for some time, I am sending this email in the
hope that it will get so
Hi there,
As I mentioned in this forum post [1], I am having issues with getting my
FreeBSD-CURRENT VM connected to the Internet via wlan0 interface.
I created tap0 and bridge0 interfaces, and edited configuration files to keep
changes permanent as suggested by the handbook [2].
I also set the