Re: Touchscreen "TSTP MTouch"

2021-05-10 Thread Oliver Fromme
Hans Petter Selasky wrote: > On 5/9/21 11:25 PM, Oliver Fromme wrote: > > 22:56:30.540897 usbus1.5 SUBM-CTRL-EP=,SPD=FULL,NFR=1,SLEN=8,IVAL=0 > > frame[0] WRITE 8 bytes > > 21 0B 01 00 00 00 00 00 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- |!... &g

Re: Touchscreen "TSTP MTouch"

2021-05-09 Thread Oliver Fromme
Hans Petter Selasky wrote: > On 5/7/21 7:29 PM, Oliver Fromme wrote: > > I've bought a 7" touchscreen. It's intended for an RPi, but > > it can also be connected to a standard PC via HDMI + USB, > > which is what I do. Vendor & product ID is 0x0416

Touchscreen "TSTP MTouch"

2021-05-07 Thread Oliver Fromme
orType = 0x0005 bEndpointAddress = 0x0004 bmAttributes = 0x0003 wMaxPacketSize = 0x0040 bInterval = 0x0008 bRefresh = 0x bSynchAddress = 0x -- Oliver Fromme, Munich ``We are all but compressed light'' - Albert Einstein _

USB3 Ports not always recognized correctly

2013-01-26 Thread Oliver Fromme
ably be unable to boot from this disk (which is not a problem for me, because I don't intend to use this particular disk as a boot device). Best regards Oliver -- Oliver Fromme, secnetix GmbH & Co. KG, Marktplatz 29, 85567 Grafing Handelsregister: Amtsgericht Muenchen, HRA 7

Re: panic: umass1: Unknown state 1

2011-10-14 Thread Oliver Fromme
Hans Petter Selasky wrote: > On Thursday 13 October 2011 20:06:34 Oliver Fromme wrote: > > I just got this panic on a recent stable/8 amd/64 system: > > panic: umass1: Unknown state 1 > > > > Here's a screen shot from the KVM console: > > >

panic: umass1: Unknown state 1

2011-10-13 Thread Oliver Fromme
mes before without a panic, so this isn't 100% reproducable. Also, I'm reluctant to try again because this is a quite important production server. Best regards Oliver -- Oliver Fromme, secnetix GmbH & Co. KG, Marktplatz 29, 85567 Grafing b. M. Handelsregister: Registerger

USB microphone problems

2011-04-12 Thread Oliver Fromme
only silence, except when I blow directly into the microphone, no matter what mixer settings I've tried. So I guess that that mic input of my mainboard doesn't work correctly with FreeBSD either.) Best regards Oliver -- Oliver Fromme, secnetix GmbH & Co. KG, Marktpla

HID LCD display trouble

2010-03-31 Thread Oliver Fromme
eciated. I would really like to RTFM, but I haven't been able to find a good FM so far. :-) Best regards Oliver -- Oliver Fromme, secnetix GmbH & Co. KG, Marktplatz 29, 85567 Grafing b. M. Handelsregister: Registergericht Muenchen, HRA 74606, Geschäftsfuehrung: secnetix Verwaltu

Re: usb2 + scanner HP ScanJet 4300C

2008-12-22 Thread Oliver Fromme
dent from resolution, scanning mode and size. I'll need to investigate what's causing this. Best regards Oliver -- Oliver Fromme, secnetix GmbH & Co. KG, Marktplatz 29, 85567 Grafing b. M. Handelsregister: Registergericht Muenchen, HRA 74606, Geschäftsfuehrung: secnetix Verwaltu

Re: usb2 + scanner HP ScanJet 4300C

2008-12-20 Thread Oliver Fromme
Hans Petter Selasky wrote: > On Friday 19 December 2008, Oliver Fromme wrote: > > > > Unfortunately, the scanner attaches to ugen, not uscanner. > > So there is no /dev/uscanner*, so SANE doesn't find it. :-( > > The scanner is listed in uscanner2.c, pro

Re: usb2 + HP ScanJet 4300C -- more information

2008-12-19 Thread Oliver Fromme
Warren Block wrote: > Oliver Fromme wrote: > > > As I wrote recently, the scanner attaches to ugen instead > > of uscanner. There is no device in /dev, > > My Epson will work with SANE as either uscanner0 or ugen0. uscanner0 is > the normal way, but ugen

usb2 + HP ScanJet 4300C -- more information

2008-12-19 Thread Oliver Fromme
in "I/O error" after a few seconds. -- Oliver Fromme, secnetix GmbH & Co. KG, Marktplatz 29, 85567 Grafing b. M. Handelsregister: Registergericht Muenchen, HRA 74606, Geschäftsfuehrung: secnetix Verwaltungsgesellsch. mbH, Handelsregister: Registergericht Mün- chen, HRB 125758, Geschäftsführe

Re: usb2 + scanner HP ScanJet 4300C

2008-12-19 Thread Oliver Fromme
i.e. "err = 0"). If you need more information, please let me know. Unfortunately, the scanner attaches to ugen, not uscanner. So there is no /dev/uscanner*, so SANE doesn't find it. :-( The scanner is listed in uscanner2.c, product ID and vendor ID match. Looks like more debugging

Re: usb2 + scanner HP ScanJet 4300C

2008-12-12 Thread Oliver Fromme
Luigi Rizzo wrote: > On Fri, Dec 12, 2008 at 09:27:27PM +0100, Oliver Fromme wrote: > > Hi, > > > > I've got a HP ScanJet 4300C that seems to be a little bit > > stubborn. > > > ... > > Is there anything I can do, except for forgetting

Re: usb2 + scanner HP ScanJet 4300C

2008-12-12 Thread Oliver Fromme
Hans Petter Selasky wrote: > On Friday 12 December 2008, Oliver Fromme wrote: > > usb2_alloc_device: > > You could try to edit the code in "sys/dev/usb2/core/usb2_device.c" and loop > two times on the set_config command in "usb2_alloc_device()". >

usb2 + scanner HP ScanJet 4300C

2008-12-12 Thread Oliver Fromme
g about this scanner alltogether? (The scanner does have an LPT connector, but the computer does not. I assume that the scanner wouldn't work with a USB-printer adapter either, because SANE probably only works with "real" LPT ports.) Best regards Oliver -- Oliver Fromme, secnetix

Re: usb/85067: [uscanner] Cannot attach ScanJet 4300C to usb device

2008-05-23 Thread Oliver Fromme
The following reply was made to PR usb/85067; it has been noted by GNATS. From: Oliver Fromme <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Cc: Subject: Re: usb/85067: [uscanner] Cannot attach ScanJet 4300C to usb device Date: Fri, 23 May 2008 10:02:15 +0200 (CEST) Just a small follow-up

USB2.0 card recommendation

2007-09-28 Thread Oliver Fromme
7;s another one with an ALI chip on it, it is 8 EUR (~ 5.70 USD), with otherwise the same specs (4 ext. ports, 1 int. port). There are also more expensive cards which also feature firewire ports, also based on VIA or ALI chips. Any recommendations? Best regards Oliver -- Oliver Fromme, secneti

Re: uscanner: HP ScanJet 4300C

2007-09-28 Thread Oliver Fromme
Oliver Fromme wrote: > I have bought a HP ScanJet 4300C, specifically because > this very scanner is listed in FreeBSD's uscanner(4) > manpage and in SANE's list of supported USB scanners. > > However, this is all I get: > > uscanner0: > on uhub0 >

uscanner: HP ScanJet 4300C

2007-09-21 Thread Oliver Fromme
past ... So either the code suffered from bit-rot and stopped working one day, or HP silently changed something in the scanner so it's not compatible with FreeBSD's code anymore. Any help would be greatly appreciated! I very much hope I can get this scanner to work somehow. Best regard