On 01/04/11 15:54, Chris Brennan wrote:
On Tue, Jan 4, 2011 at 10:16 AM, ben paley mailto:ben.pyttipa...@spooty.net>> wrote:
I've followed the steps at
http://www.freebsd.org/doc/handbook/desktop-browsers.html without
any errors, except that neither Firefox nor any ot
I've been using FreeBSD since 3.4 but I've been away for a while. Now
I've put 8.2 on an old laptop, and everything's lovely except power
management (I'll get round to that eventually) and the Flash plug in.
I've followed the steps at
I went from 4-Stable, where I had flash working fine, to 5-Current where it
worked a bit sometimes, to 5-Stable where it only works in Konqueror. Mozilla
gives me this:
bash-2.05b$ mozilla
Error: No running window found.
LoadPlugin: failed to initialize shared
library /usr/local/lib/l
On Wednesday 17 November 2004 18:27, Jon Noack wrote:
> > # Flash6 with Mozilla/Firebird/Galeon/Epiphany
> > #[/usr/local/lib/linux-flashplugin6/libflashplayer.so]
> > [/usr/X11R6/lib/browser_plugins/libflashplayer.so]
> > #libpthread.so.0 liblthread.so.3
> > libpthread.so.0 plug
On Thursday 18 November 2004 15:20, Jon Noack wrote:
> Did you recompile all your ports recently (portupgrade -af)? You should
> certainly do this after upgrading from 4-stable and there was ABI breakage
> right before 5.3 that required a recompile to use the new libraries. You
> could try setti
I'm running 5.4-STABLE, cvsupped and everything rebuilt Mon Aug 22.
Does anyone know what's happening with MIDI? I've got no /dev/midi
or /dev/sequencer and don't know if it's even possible to turn them on in the
kernel at the moment.
I've also managed to compile and run Rosegarden-4 -
On Wednesday 24 August 2005 04:27, Robert Backhaus wrote:
> On 8/24/05, Ben Paley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> > I'm running 5.4-STABLE, cvsupped and everything rebuilt Mon Aug 22.
> >
> > Does anyone know what's happening with MIDI
On Wednesday 24 August 2005 12:27, Rene Ladan wrote:
> You can try Eric A. Welsh's set of Gravis Ultrasound MIDI patches
> (/usr/ports/audio/eawpats) which pulls in Timidity++. This way you have
> at least software MIDI playback. The patchset sounds quite good (better
> than the native MIDI of m
I'm having difficulty with usb devices, specifically a camera and a printer -
I'm starting to tear my hair out!
Problem ONE is that they are not always detected. Sometimes everything goes
ugen0: Eastman Kodak Company KODAK