after updating my freebsd amd64 box from 9.1 (r250841) to 9.2-RC
(r254276) virtualbox crashes the machine. Seconds after starting VBOX
the screen freezes and then reboots (probably a trap, cannot see it, as
screen is in graphics mode). The kernel modules of vbox have been
Going ba
On 08/16/13 15:41, Mikhail Tsatsenko wrote:
> 2013/8/16 Thomas Zenker :
>> Hi,
>> after updating my freebsd amd64 box from 9.1 (r250841) to 9.2-RC
>> (r254276) virtualbox crashes the machine. Seconds after starting VBOX
> After starting VBOX gui or guest mac
', expdest);
start = stackblock();
- p = expdest;
+ p = expdest - 1;
while (*p != CTLARI && p >= start)
if (*p != CTLARI)
-- Thomas Zenker
c/o Lennartz electronic GmbH
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Phone: +49-(0)7071-93550
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Date: Tue, 15 Jan 2002 06:37:19 -0800
From: Robert Bruce <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Thomas Zenker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Transfer of FreeBSD Mall
Thomas Zenker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said...
>Surprise, I thought the subscription had gone down the