suming it's not flaky hardware.
I'd be happy to try any patches or debugging tips, but this is my only
amd64 box and since I can't yet get FreeBSD onto it, it would have to be
something I don't have to build.
Ron McDowell
San Antonio TX
nter "TSC" frequency 2445784083 Hz quality 800
Root mount waiting for: usbus1 usbus0
uhub0: 8 ports with 8 removable, self powered
Root mount waiting for: usbus1
Root mount waiting for: usbus1
Root mount waiting for: usbus1
uhub1: 8 ports with 8 removable, self powered
Trying to mount root from
in Raleigh and in Dallas and they perform well,
running 8-stable and 9-stable. I've also used for FreeBSD boxes
in Europe and Asia, no problems there either.
Ron McDowell
San Antonio TX
___ mailing list
x27;ve not noticed any negative behavior in months of usage, but just
be warned.
P.P.S. I don't think on subscribed to -stable@, so include me in your replies.
I'm one of the coauthors of this code, and I am here on -stable. As
stated, this port will only run on 9.0-RELEASE and later.