> my experiences of slow and nightmarishly error-ridden port updates
I have no intention to bash FreeBSD or ports but ports is certainly not
without problems. It's annoying but not a reason to use Ubuntu! Get a grip,
man! ;-)
> I know there are users who have operated without such problems
I thi
> ... and here is the crux of the problem. The vast majority of our
> developers don't use FreeBSD as their regular workstation
Something is wrong with this picture! If not, why not?!
Thanks mcl. I am off on other things for now but I will file PRs next time
I come across something. In the past I have emailed the port maintainer and
the answer is usually "yeah I know". After a few of those I thought filing
PRs is a waste of time considering the maintainer doesn't seem to care.
> Dear All ,
> There is a thread
> "Why Are You Using FreeBSD ?"
> I think another thread with the specified subject '"Why Are You NOT Using
> FreeBSD ?" may be useful :
> If you are NOT using FreeBSD for any area or some areas , would you please
> list those areas with most imp