Excuse this if it's off-topic... I couldn't think of the best place to
ask this, and I am running STABLE on all production machines, so...
We have a lot of proprietary code written in Java running on Wintel
boxes. There's been talk of migrating to Linux, and our initial tests
show perfo
On Mon, 30 Apr 2001, Dave Uhring wrote:
> Honestly, I simply put the line
> devicepcm
> into my KERNCONF file and don't even know how to load kernel modules. My
> system even has an on-the-motherboard via-686a sound chip and it works
> perfectly - well, almost.
I think something tha
On Fri, 13 Jul 2001, Ryan Taylor wrote:
> Would something like this in your /etc/rc.conf do the trick:
> natd_flags="-proxy_rule port 8080 server"
> This should divert incoming packets on port 8080 to the server on
> port my_divert_port. I use this on a firew
On Tue, 17 Jul 2001, Kanno, Ken wrote:
> Jul 17 13:34:41 <4.5> gateway Jul 17 2001 12:35:27: %PIX-5-304001:
> Accessed URL
> Jul 17 13:34:43 <4.5> gateway Jul 17 2001 12:35:30: %PIX-5-304001:
> Accessed URL
On Tue, 17 Jul 2001, Kanno, Ken wrote:
> When I removed the "*.notice" as you suggested, nothing gets logged at all,
> period.
I didn't suggest removing '*.notice', but rather adding
'local4.none'. You still want all non-local4 notices logged to
/var/log/messages I assume.
That'd leave somethi
On Fri, 20 Jul 2001 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Probably just warning. I personally couldn't believe it, but on
> the last list of my 4.2-RELEASE appeared that host sh2.1-sh.com was logged
> as user Jim. The one bad thing I did, that firewall wasnt working and
> there is NFS available ...
On Mon, 23 Jul 2001, A. L. Meyers wrote:
> do you suggest that if someone wants "stable-stable" not just
> "stable" he should cvsup RELENG_4_3 instead of RELENG_4?
I suggest you spend half the time reading documentation and trying to
actually understand the FreeBSD build hierarchy you do posting
On Mon, 23 Jul 2001, Steve Lumos wrote:
> "the stable branch is effectively a bug-fix stream relative to the
> previous release"
> "[-RELEASE is] really just a ``snapshot'' from the -STABLE branch that
> we put on CDROM,"
Well, it is really a snapshot, that's true again. Maybe it would
On Mon, 23 Jul 2001, A. L. Meyers wrote:
> Guess what - I *did* carefully read the handbook before cvsupping
> stable.
Ahh, I see. So...
You read,
http://www.freebsd.org/doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/ \
" Using FreeBSD-STABLE"
Which states,
On Tue, 24 Jul 2001, Shawn Workman wrote:
> > Its only unsafe if you lose power. I think that anyone running a
> > "server" without a UPS deserves to lose data.
First, there's an infinite number of variables that can lead to power
loss. Think about it.
> Especially the ones without recent back
On Tue, 24 Jul 2001, Jordan Hubbard wrote:
> What ridiculous, unsubstantiated flame-bait.
Call it lack of coffee and a bad hangover.
After reading your post, the issue becomes clearer. To be honest, I
immediately assumed an argumentative stance because the (most
recent) thread was started with
On Wed, 18 Jul 2001, Nuno Teixeira wrote:
> I noted that ftp.freebsd.org uses an FTP version DG-4.1.73
Yes, I believe that's one David Greenman modified for WC's use. I may be
wrong, but I believe that explains the 'DG' (thought I read it somewhere).
> What the differences between the two ftpd
On Wed, 26 Sep 2001, Michael Sierchio wrote:
> Mike Hoskins wrote:
> > Some time ago I came across the attached patch for ipfw which supports
> > per-session timeouts. It applied cleanly until my last attempt to cvsup
> > 4.4 (still at 4.3). It allows you to specify
After my last cvsup, installworld failed with a no such user (smmsp)
error. I thought I'd grabbed something in a half-done state, so cvsuped
again and got the same thing. I then added a smmsp user/group and the
install worked fine. While running mergemaster, I notice:
--- /etc/mtree/BSD.var.d
Just grabbed a new Dell 4600 to replace an aging NFS server. I'm done
with the 4.5-R install. This box does NFS for our Dev and QA
environments, so often seens quite a bit of load. I'll be doing SMP,
and was wondering,
a) Would I be better off grabbing the latest security
On 15 May 2002, Chip Wiegand wrote:
> #make buildworld
> #make buildkernel KERNCONF=GENERIC
> #make installkernel KERNCONF=GENERIC
> #shutdown now
> #make installworld
> failed - required smmsp user is missing #/usr/src/usr.sbin/mergemaster
> -p
> -p not recognized option
> /usr/src/u
On Wed, 15 May 2002, JJ Behrens wrote:
> Do you think this is because he was running an older very of mergemaster?
That seemed likely, but as I recall (maybe I read the post wrong), he was
trying to specify the full path to the newly-built mergemaster residing
under /usr/src/usr.sbin... (Using
On 15 May 2002, Chip Wiegand wrote:
> The UPDATING file specifies to run mergemaster again after installworld,
> I assume I run it without any options, correct?
> Then a reboot should finish up the process.
I usually do `mergemaster -i` after installworld. That will sync up any
config changes b
On 15 May 2002, Yann Ramin wrote:
> You shouldn't need to make a link to libpthread. FreeBSD contains a
> pthread implementation in libc_r, which XMMS should easily use. I would
> delete the libpthread links and rebuild xmms.
Ok, I see:
$ ls /usr/lib/libc_r*
/usr/lib/libc_r.a /usr/lib/lib
On Tue, 28 May 2002, Daniel Geske wrote:
> I have a FreeBSD 4.5 Rel. machine up running fine. Now, on the console I
> can log in fine. Log ins via ssh only work for users other than root. How
> can I log in as root using ssh?
> I checked "hosts.allow" and it didn't look like there's any place to
On Wed, 4 Sep 2002, Charles Sprickman wrote:
> What is the difference between the "mbufs in use" line and the "mbuf
> clusters in use" line?
I've wondered precisely this; perhaps one specifically relates to the
network? The farthest I got was netstat(1), which points to a nonexistant
On 3 Oct 2002, Andrew Heybey wrote:
> > We also run a freebsd firewall at work 4.4-STABLE that works perfectly
> > (uptime 220+ days).
Citing similar configurations, I have a 4.6-STABLE box running
ipfw+natd+keep-state without any problems at home. However, it's an old
p2/300, so I haven't buil
On Thu, 14 Nov 2002, Ruslan Ermilov wrote:
> > Has anyone else seen this? I know FreeBSD simply imports the CVS sources
> Does PR gnu/44564 look similar?
Looks precisely like what I'm seeing as well. Each time it happens load
On Tue, 26 Nov 2002, Ruslan Ermilov wrote:
> PR gnu/44564.
> It's likely that we will return to 1.11.1-p1 version of CVS; 1.11.2
> turned out to be very buggy, and no 1.11.2-p1 is planned soon.
I had the PR'ed 'hung cvs processes eat cpu' problem for awhile... The
odd thing is, since building wor
On 7 Dec 2002, Dan Pelleg wrote:
> level I could be doing. For example, am I more likely to come up cleanly if
> I turn softupdates off?
FWIW, I believe the mythos around softupdates faded some time ago.
According to LINT,
# Soft updates is technique for improving file system speed and
# making a
On Sat, 7 Dec 2002, John Polstra wrote:
> > Delete src/contrib/gcc/INSTALL
> > Cannot delete "/usr/src/contrib/gcc/INSTALL": Directory not empty
This is an excellent guide... I've seen this behavior in the past, and
followed similar steps to resolve... Can/should this be added to the FAQ?
On Sat, 7 Dec 2002, The Anarcat wrote:
> It's pretty simple.
> I guess you tried choice 3, but failed to disable sshd in the base
> system. Look for NO_SSHD or something like that in make.conf to
> disable the building of sshd.
I often build things like BIND from ports so I can portupg
On 7 Dec 2002, David Magda wrote:
> # cd /usr/src/usr.sbin/named
> # make
> # make install
Since I already portupgrade things like postfix, handling all upgrades in
a similar manner has prooved useful here... Patching the latest BIND hole
doesn't mean I have to cvsup the FreeBSD sources. (BIND i
ke}$ grep PERC /var/run/dmesg.boot
aac0: mem 0xf000-0xf7ff irq 11 at device 8.1 on
It works great. A list of supported RAID controllers is also here,
(Thanks Mr. SCSI.)
Mike HoskinsThis message is RFC 1855 com
ux emulation, so that may be an option.
(Haven't tried it myself.)
Mike HoskinsThis message is RFC 1855 compliant,
[EMAIL PROTECTED] www.adept.org/pub/rfcs/rfc1855.html
To Unsubscribe: send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
with "unsubscribe freebsd-stable" in the body of the message
On Fri, 10 Jan 2003, Mike Hoskins wrote:
> On Thu, 9 Jan 2003, Andrew Tulloch wrote:
> > Does anyone know if the PERC4/Di as found in the PE 2600 is supported on
> mike@eng{mike}$ grep PERC /var/run/dmesg.boot
> aac0: mem 0xf000-0xf7ff irq 11 at device 8.1 on
I somehow
root@mojo{root}# apachectl startssl
Bus error (core dumped)
/usr/local/sbin/apachectl startssl: httpd could not be started
root@mojo{root}# apachectl start
Bus error (core dumped)
/usr/local/sbin/apachectl start: httpd could not be started
On Wed, 15 Jan 2003, Mike Hoskins wrote:
> After bu
> Thus spake Peter Jeremy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > I just happened to have a close look at the memory usage figures on
> > various -STABLE machines and noticed that all of them are reporting
> > vm.stats.vm.v_wire_count roughly 1/3 of total RAM. (My look was
> > triggered by the sound of my firewa
I had -stable crash this AM on a Dell Poweredge 1550...
FreeBSD fubar.adept.org 4.7-STABLE FreeBSD 4.7-STABLE #6: Thu Feb 13
19:14:26 PST 2003 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/FUBAR
Now I'm trying to determine exactly what happened. The only thing I have
to go on are the followin
On Thu, 13 Mar 2003, Brooks Davis wrote:
> > The problem was, during my experimentation I ended up exhausting tun*
> > pseudo-devs because they never got cleaned up. Nothing in tun(4) seemed
> > to help and 'destroy' and 'deletetunnel' from ifconfig(8) aren't right.
> tun devices can't be destroye
On Sat, 7 Jun 2003, Thomas Elliott wrote:
> I was only saying that I found it strange that it appeared, then dissapeared
> within the timespace that it took me to download the first cd.
It's not strange. It's something that happens regularly, for good reason,
and has been explained 2^32 times her
I seem to be having a problem, but I'm not sure if it's -stable, Squid, or
neither. I've been running -stable+Squid on a Dell 4600 for a couple
years now. All has been well, but after upgrading to Squid 2.5_3 (which
was also done on a couple other, less-loaded, -stable machines without
this issu
On Wed, 9 Jul 2003, Gregory Bond wrote:
> Even easier might be to maintain a list of files you don't want on the client
> machines and then rm them after every installworld (you could automate this in
> the /usr/src/Makefile).
Great points, just wanted to add... You could also use config mgmt too
On Wed, 9 Jul 2003, Jan Grant wrote:
> On Wed, 9 Jul 2003, Kirk Strauser wrote:
> > At 2003-07-09T08:36:50Z, "Brandon S. Allbery KF8NH" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > > Install sysutils/lsof and use it to find what program has a deleted file
> > > open on /var; kill that program, and the space wil
On Wed, 9 Jul 2003, Brandon S. Allbery KF8NH wrote:
> On Wed, 2003-07-09 at 18:05, Mike Hoskins wrote:
> > I think it's just Linux/SysV folks that are used to lsof.
> Linux and System V have fuser; lsof used to be the BSD workaround for
> lack of it.
True, but every Linux
On Wed, 9 Jul 2003, Mike Hoskins wrote:
> On Wed, 9 Jul 2003, Jan Grant wrote:
> Couldn't you also just do something like,
> `find /var|xargs lsof`
Uh, of course I meant s/lsof/fstat.
From: "Spam Catcher" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Do NOT se
On Wed, 24 Sep 2003, Mike Hoskins wrote:
> FreeBSD eng.sfo.televoke.net 4.8-RELEASE-p8 FreeBSD 4.8-RELEASE-p8 #14:
> Tue Sep 23 17:30:45 PDT 2003
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/ENG i386
> everything came up and seemed to start fine. i then noticed squid
> couldn't r
On Sun, 23 Jul 2000, Andrew Tulloch wrote:
> I cvsup and built world on friday, after noticing I'd forgotten to add
> sound support I recompiled today with device pcm added to my kernel config
> and am no recieing kernel messages saying: pcm0: dodgy irq: 100
> anyone got any clues?
On Sun, 23 Jul 2000, Charles Martin wrote:
> no devsw (majdev=0 bootdev=0xa030)
> Mounting root from ufs:/dev/ad0s2a
> no such device 'ad'
> setrootbyname failed
> ffs_mountroot: can't find rootvp
> Root mount failed: 6
Uhh... What is (or, better yet, isn't) in your new kernel? This looks
On Mon, 24 Jul 2000, Chad R. Larson wrote:
> So, I think leaving things the way they have been (letting the
> administrator decide at installation time) with regard to
> "dangerously dedicated" is the way to go. Perhaps with a little
> more verbose warning about "don't try this unless you know w
On Tue, 1 Aug 2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Actualy, I don't have 'login failers'. I just can't
> connect! "Connection refused", not login failer! I do not get login
> prompt at all!
Correct... However, per inetd(8), wrapped services log failed attempts
using the auth syslog facility.
> 'hos
On Wed, 2 Aug 2000, [gill] wrote:
> check ps -ax to make sure the daemon is up
They are (syslogd and sshd).
> run the daemon /usr/local/sbin/sshd -d and watch the debug info
> run the client ssh -v for verbose
I'll try this and play around a little more tonight.
> are you running 4.0-RELEASE
On Sun, 20 Aug 2000, Helge Oldach wrote:
> >Is anybody out here who has IP filtering (IPFIREWALL) on and has still
> >full SAMBA access via NT clients?
IPFW/Samba serving Win2k clients... close enough.
> >I have the following problem: IP filtering is enabled and working well on
> >our FB
On Sun, 20 Aug 2000, Jonathan Defries wrote:
> If I run the passwd command, it takes nearly a minute to be prompted
> for the password. Could anyone suggest what to look for to try and
> solve this please?
Hmm. Last time I experienced something like this, I had ~20k users in
/etc/passwd on 3.0-
49 matches
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