ORK, ">tmp/" or die "$!"'
Is a directory at -e line 1.
wopr:~$ perl -e 'open SPORK, "tmp/" or die "$!"'
(See also "man 2 open".)
Matthew Hunt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> * Clearly there are more things in the
both -- build and
> install.
To do just about anything in our source tree or ports collection,
make(1) has to parse a lot of Makefile lines. On my slow CPU with
decent I/O, "make installworld" and "make clean" are quite CPU-bound.
Matthew Hunt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> * Sta
ignored the color codes instead of producing any
sort of garbage.
Unless anyone knows of an xterm that barfs on color codes, I would
support this change.
Matthew Hunt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> * Stay close to the Vorlon.
http://www.pobox.com/~mph/ *
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neric_105181-16 sun4u sparc SUNW,Ultra-1
That's not the issue.
What we want to do is have TERM=xterm be the same as xterm-color
is now.
If you log in to a FreeBSD box from your Sun, and *then* set
TERM=xterm-color and run things on the FreeBSD box, do the color
escape sequences screw anyt
f you log in to a machine which is like FreeBSD is
now; you won't get color unless you switch back to
The goal is to have TERM=xterm do the color thing when possible
and not give the problem you describe by setting TERM=xterm-color
and logging in t
are about. Tell me what my proposed
solution breaks, for real.
Matthew Hunt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> * UNIX is a lever for the
http://www.pobox.com/~mph/ * intellect. -J.R. Mashey
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