Re: Really odd "BTX halted" problem booting FreeBSD on VALinux h

2000-10-27 Thread Matt Dillon
:> I think you are specifying the wrong arguments to disklabel; I :> seem to rememebr a -w/-W distinction... : :Nope. : :> In any case, I'm running with a disklabel inside a DOS partition :> on all but one box of mine, and always have been. I installed :> 4.1 on my laptop that way. : :Sysinstall

Re: Really odd "BTX halted" problem booting FreeBSD on VALinux h

2000-10-27 Thread Matt Dillon
:> # optional dd if you are paranoid :> # dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/da0 bs=32k count=4 :> fdisk -I da0 :> disklabel -w -r da0s1 auto :> :> That's much preferable to having to use sysinstall if all you want to :> do is initialize a label on a slice. : :Yes, this is de

Re: VMware hanging

2000-12-06 Thread Matt Dillon
Ok (this to the -stable mailing list). Barry and I have figurd out why VMWare was locking up on him. We tracked it down to excessive dirty filesystem buffers, created through this codepath: Debugger(c02ca083) at Debugger+0x35 panic(c02cd684,ca77cbe8,c018054a,c4f9cdb8,c4f9cdb8) a

New performance patch available for testing on stable

2000-12-15 Thread Matt Dillon
The URL: This patch reworks the pageout daemon and the buf_daemon. It is based on my previous patch but hopefully has the kinks worked out. The patch is for -stable only, I will have a -current patch tonight. The main change is

Re: softupdates and "/"

2000-12-15 Thread Matt Dillon
: :So to keep Softupdates active on all boot ups, you have to re-execute :"tunefs -n enable /" or "tunefs -n enable /usr"? Otherwise its not active :on the partition? : :Jorge Once you turn softupdates on with tunefs, it's on for good. Of course, your kernel has to be compiled with the S

NFSv3 O_EXCL file create - protocol spec & solution (was Re: Bug in NFSv3 client)

2001-01-03 Thread Matt Dillon
The RFC (1813) says that the exclusive-file-create NFS op passes a verifier. It says, and I quote: "One aspect of the NFS version 3 protocol CREATE procedure warrants particularly careful consideration: the mechanism introduced to support the reliable exclusive creatio

Re: Repeated panic in 4.2-stable

2001-01-09 Thread Matt Dillon
( I think -stable will be interested in this so I'm including -stable in the thread ) --> TO EVERYONE RUNNING STABLE!!! Do not use a filesystem block size greater then 16384. 8192 is ok, 16384 should be ok. Anything bigger will hit this bug. :Yes. PR 20609, assi

Re: /swap too large? What??

2001-01-13 Thread Matt Dillon
: Hi gang, : : Okay, I have downloaded 4.2, from January 10 or so. I have : a ~1.7GB swap defined on da0s1b. When I attempt to mount it, : however, I am told: : :exceeded maximum of 3355443 blocks per swap unit : : Hmmm. I can't find anything about this in the archives, nor am : I

Re: RE: Weird sporadic DNS resolution problems

2001-01-19 Thread Matt Dillon
:Short term, though, I liked the suggestion about stuffing an entry in :/etc/hosts to work around the broken domains' DNS problems, and that does :work for me for now. So at least I have an ugly workaround.. much less :ugly than restarted named every few hours though. Next, I'm going to :start c

Re: RE: Weird sporadic DNS resolution problems

2001-01-19 Thread Matt Dillon
: :At 11:48 AM 1/19/01 -0800, Matt Dillon wrote: : :> Don't do that! :> :> If the broken hosts have at least one working name server, then you :> can use options in named.conf to make bind ignore the broken servers. :> The bind documentation has all the inf

Re: [NFS] Incompatible: FreeBSD 4.2 client, Linux 2.2.18 nfsv3 server, read-only export

2001-01-24 Thread Matt Dillon
All this discussion over the right way to do ACCESS is moot. The NFSv3 protocol docs are absolutely clear on how ACCESS is supposed to work, and if Linux wants to be NFSv3 interoperable it has to follow the protocol. The FreeBSD client is following the protocol properly... it just

Re: [NFS] Incompatible: FreeBSD 4.2 client, Linux 2.2.18 nfsv3 server, read-only export

2001-01-24 Thread Matt Dillon
: :On Wed, Jan 24, 2001 at 10:28:02AM -0800, Matt Dillon wrote: :> This particular problem, however, is entirely Linux's problem to fix. : :Umm, could somebody *PLEASE* show me *ANY* place where I argued that it :wasn't a Linux bug? I can show at least one mail message where I

Re: installworld anomoly

2001-02-04 Thread Matt Dillon
:--ibTvN161/egqYuK8 :Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii :Content-Disposition: inline : :On Sat, Feb 03, 2001 at 03:43:44PM -0500, Brian Dean wrote: : :> Is anyone else seeing this? : :Yes, it's a known bug in OpenSSH. There's a patch in the PR database, :I don't have the number handy, and

Proposed makewhatis perl script fix

2001-02-04 Thread Matt Dillon
This should fix the installworld problems. I'll commit it to -current tonight and MFC it in two days unless people find something wrong with it. It would be nice if someone else could test it first. -Matt Index: makewhatis.perl ==

Re: Proposed makewhatis perl script fix

2001-02-04 Thread Matt Dillon
The makewhatis patch has been committed to -current and will be MFC'd to -stable on tuesday. -Matt To Unsubscribe: send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with "unsubscribe freebsd-stable" in the body of the message

Re: installworld anomoly

2001-02-06 Thread Matt Dillon
:Secondly, making makewhatis(1) read all available input before closing :the pipe is just unnecessarily slowing down makewhatis. There's no :reason for makewhatis to process an entire man page - it just needs the :... :Peter You won't notice much difference in times (time it and see for your

Re: RE: Proposed makewhatis perl script fix

2001-02-11 Thread Matt Dillon
From the signal() manual page: When a process which has installed signal handlers forks, the child pro- cess inherits the signals. All caught signals may be reset to their de- fault action by a call to the execve(2) function; ignored signals remain ignored. So I woul

Re: cvsup confusion

2001-02-22 Thread Matt Dillon
I just do this every night. A 'crontab -e' as root suffices to install the entries. I've never found the need to create a custom cvsup file, the one in examples works just fine. The log level will list edits cvsup makes. 42 3 * * * /usr/local/bin/cvsup -g -L 2 -h cvsup2.freebs

Installing the world on remote machines (was Re: Re[2]: KERNCONF instead of KERNEL?)

2001-03-02 Thread Matt Dillon
It's perfectly safe to do an installworld on a multi-user system providing: (1) That you've kicked any other users off and (2) That you've killed any daemons that might exec something on a regular basis. sendmail, cron, webserver, etc... (not sshd,

Re: Continued panics on a recent STABLE machine

2001-03-02 Thread Matt Dillon
Try to get a core guys (& keep a copy of the kernel.debug). It looks like it should be possible to get a core. My guess is someone broke something associated with mbuf handling. The virtual address is completely and utterly bogus. -Matt

Re: Not only ftpd's problem with ls */../*.....

2001-03-17 Thread Matt Dillon
:Yes, I'm considering the following: : : gl_flags |= GLOB_MAXFILES : gl_match = filemax : :Since gl_match is only used as an input parameter at the moment. :Another approach is to limit the number of bytes returned to ARG_MAX, :but I somewhat dislike that; it makes more sense to me to

Re: Not only ftpd's problem with ls */../*.....

2001-03-18 Thread Matt Dillon
Ultimately the only thing I care about is that we not arbitrarily limit a global libc function by default, so I don't care which solution is adopted (api call, structural flag/field, resource limit) as long as the default for glob() is left unlimited. There are advantages and

Re: NFS performance

2001-03-20 Thread Matt Dillon
Putting on my NFS hat... I would not recommend NFSv2 to anyone. Everyone should be using NFSv3 at this point. It just does a much better job at everything, including and most especially at writing. TCP mounts are useful, and much safer, if you need to export NFS across a fir

Re: NFS performance

2001-03-20 Thread Matt Dillon
:Actually, from what I've been told, TCP allows for much larger requests :than what UDP does, afaik UDP maxes out at 8k while tcp should be able :to go to 32k (maybe 64k) and give possibly better performance. : :Plus each time you 'hickup' under a UDP mount it's a lot more painful :because since i

Re: Runt packets

2001-04-10 Thread Matt Dillon
:I have a dual-homed machine doing routing and firewalling on which hundreds :of the following messages appear in my logs every 10 minutes or so: : : /kernel: icmp-response bandwidth limit 44069/200 pps : /kernel: arp: runt packet : last message repeated 14691 times : :At the same time these m

Re: Strange BTX halted error

2001-05-01 Thread Matt Dillon
:Well, that's not going to work, as I don't have an Adaptec and I need the :onboard SCSI to boot =/ Thanks for the help though. If someone can :decipher what all the register's mean, I can provide access to the boot :loader binary and source (4.1.1-RELEASE I believe). : :-gordon : :On Tue, 1 May 2

Re: Strange BTX halted error

2001-05-01 Thread Matt Dillon
:The very last example, just before the SEE ALSO section for the :'disklabel' manual page shows how to do this. But be warned: it blows :away the disk. : : : : opps

Re: Strange BTX halted error

2001-05-02 Thread Matt Dillon
:... :> dangerously dedicated partitions. It's what prompted me to fix the :> disklabel code to allow boot blocks to be installed on slices. :> Unfortunately, the only way I could fix my particular problem was :> to get rid of my dangerously dedicated partition which meant blowin

Re: Mem Use

2001-05-04 Thread Matt Dillon
:All this talk of memory utilisation reminds me to ask, are there any :plans to implement directio (Solaris UFS and VxFS have it)? There has been talk. It's considered 'interesting' but it is not a priority. FreeBSD's heuristics already handle write-behind and free-behind operati

Re: Should /sys/i386/conf/GENERIC's SysV shared memory settings+defaults be re-thought?

2001-05-04 Thread Matt Dillon
:.. :> while now, on a Pentium 166Mhz with 32M but around 100-150Mb or swap. :> :> Never had problems with SHM. : :i've commented about the problems with shm and a heavy enlightenment / :gnome load a few weeks ago to stable, but my message was pretty much :ignored. also note that this issue has

Re: Mem Use

2001-05-04 Thread Matt Dillon
:>> My systems look very much like this also. Do note that there is 87 :>> MB free and 1 MB that some time in the past got swapped out. :> :>That's 87MB of totally unused memory, ie. wasted money. 8) : :Exactly. And it also slows down other disk I/O. Why doesn't it swap :it back in and leav

Re: Mem Use

2001-05-04 Thread Matt Dillon
:Don't think that's true for textfiles. : :I rmeember older *NIXes loaded processes off disk by causing :a page fault to read in the binary. I imagine FreeBSD does soemthing similar, : :The pageins you'd see running cat or more are probably /bin/cat and :/usr/bin/more being loaded. FreeBSD do

Re: Tagged Queueing and ATA driver (was soft update should be default)

2001-05-06 Thread Matt Dillon
Gee, maybe in another few years IDE will have implement the *entire* SCSI command set! Now wouldn't that be progress! Not! You will never see me turn on tagged queueing for IDE. If performance is an issue, SCSI is the solution. I want my data cooked over-easy thank you v

Continuing ahc problems - also cause fxp failure

2001-05-22 Thread Matt Dillon
This is getting weirder and weirder. 4.2 or 4.3-RC AHC failure once or twice a month (as previously posted last month) FXP Ethernet (appeared to be) working perfectly RELENG_4(After Justin's adaptec fix) FXP failure one week (old FXP driver)

Re: FreeBSD and IPSEC

2001-05-24 Thread Matt Dillon
:I have two remote offices. I am running FreeBSD ver 4.0R on all three :firewalls. I would like to create two VPN between the remote offices and :our HQ here. I can create a VPN connection using the gif and :esp/tunnel//require, without the racoon, but from time to time the remote :offices loos

Re: adding "noschg" to ssh and friends

2001-05-30 Thread Matt Dillon
:I guess in general, that may be correct. But wouldn't you want some :reassurance that your only "secure" connection to the machine is not :tamered with? That is, if your machine is compromised, and the only :way you can connect to it is via a trojaned service, then you're :really hosed. I thin

Re: time_t definition is worng

2001-06-01 Thread Matt Dillon
:On Fri, Jun 01, 2001 at 02:39:33PM +0300, Amir Shalem wrote: :> it was always long int, :> whenever you want to print time_t :> in programs it was always :> printf("%ld", (time_t)time); : :That cast is wrong; if you want to print a long, cast it to long. :time_t is (was) only a long on the i386;

Re: The FreeBSD core team needs your help

2001-06-08 Thread Matt Dillon
:[jkh shows up in a british military uniform] : :OK, stop this at once, it's SILLY! cat /usr/share/examples/ibcs2/README | sed -e 's/.*l //' | sed -e 's/ t.*//' -Matt To Unsubscribe: send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with "unsubscribe freebsd-stable" i

Re: Can't newfs big filesystem (twe/4.3-stable)

2001-06-13 Thread Matt Dillon
:> newsfeed-inn# newfs -i 67108864 /dev/twed0d :> [stuff deleted] :> 1048576032, 1048641568, 1048707104, 1048772640, 1048838176, 1048903712, :> 1048969248, 1049034784, 1049100320, 1049165856, 1049231392, 1049296928, :> 1049362464, 1049428000, 1049493536, 1049559072, 1049624608, 1049690144, :> 1049

Re: -stable weird panics

2001-06-25 Thread Matt Dillon
:% vmstat -m -M /var/qmail/crash/vmcore.6 :Memory Totals: In UseFreeRequests :17408K137K 7909365 :% vmstat -z -M /var/qmail/crash/vmcore.6 : :ZONEusedtotal mem-use :PIPE55 4088/63K :SWAPMETA0 0 0/0K

Re: Is FreeBSD more secure than Windows NT or Windows 2000?

2001-07-21 Thread Matt Dillon
:Hi, : :One thing that makes me uncomfortable with both Linux and FreeBSD is that :unlike Windows NT, both UNIX clones seem to be less secure for a desktop :use. ( ** Note clones doesn't mean it's any less better than UNIX, it just :means, it's not officially considered UNIX by OPEN-GROUP ** ) I

Re: panic: vm_page_remove(): page not found in hash

2001-09-06 Thread Matt Dillon
:On a FreeBSD 4.3-STABLE #0: Tue Jul 10 12:20:42 EDT 2001, I was trying to :do a buildworld when the box did a :panic: vm_page_remove(): page not found in hash :... Hmmm, tried it again, and same results. I had a look through the :archives and someone was seeing this on a SMP machine back in OC

Re:[SOLVED] 4.4-Stable Hangs while booting GENERIC Kernel.... USBproblem

2001-09-18 Thread Matt Dillon
:I have for years had the IRQ disabled on the USB port cos I don't use :it and wanted to free one up. The new probe must expect that the USB port is :fully functioning. The 4.3 probe gives :... Interesting. I'm not sure there's a 'fix' for it per-say, other then to enable that IRQ. but

dirpref MFC to -stable: patch set to test

2001-09-18 Thread Matt Dillon
Ok folks, here is a patchset that MFC's the dirpref code from -current to -stable. I have done some very simple testing, but I need a couple more eyes on the code. I want to make sure that I have MFC'd all necessary rcs pieces. This is what I have MFC'd: 1.36

Re: RE: hw.ata.wc && hw.ata.tags && softupdates short question

2001-09-20 Thread Matt Dillon
Basically write-caching becomes irrelevant when you have tags, because the host does not have to wait for a write to complete before starting the next one. When IDE tags work, write caching no longer matters. Without IDE tags you have to turn write caching on in order to get

Re: Why sshd:PermitRootLogin = no ?

2001-10-05 Thread Matt Dillon
: :matt. : :i think your missing the point of my comment. : :i never said it would increase or decrease the security of the :superuser account. nor did i say it was detrimental to the :person installing it. : :what i am saying is that i dont see any real point in making :the change. if you

Re: Why sshd:PermitRootLogin = no ?

2001-10-05 Thread Matt Dillon
: :[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: :>I'm afraid I don't understand your point. If without-password :>makes sshd useful to a larger subsection of users without effecting :>security on the original subsection, why wouldn't you want to make :>the change? Just because it may not make a dif