Building recently sup'd RELENG_6 on a 5.4 box:
/usr/src/gnu/usr.bin/cc/cc_int/../../../../contrib/gcc/fold-const.c: In
function `extract_muldiv_1':
error: syntax error before '||' token
2 0A5D 810D 727D F6C6
> */
> - End forwarded message -
> --
> /*
> PGP fingerprint:
> C6D1 06ED EB54 A99C 6B14 6732 0A5D 810D 727D F6C6
> */
> - Fim mensagem de forward -
> -
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bought a copy just after I did. He thought it was
quite a deal with 10 CDs and book.
Kenn Martin
InfoTeam Lexington
606.335.7233 / 888.INFO.ITC
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On Tue, Sep 07, 1999 at 11:15:21AM +, Alfred Perlstein wrote:
> On Tue, 7 Sep 1999, Laurence Berland wrote:
> > In NYC, a friend of mine saw it at a CompUSA for 39.99. Wow, I didn't
> > realize it'd be so cheap.
> I was going to attempt an online order, however it seems that the si