_stable_sata_5.patch, not xx_2.patch.
Jean-Francois Dockes
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usly, I we follow my proposed cure (replace the drive) in such a
situation, my company is going to become a great customer for our cdr
drive vendor :-)
J.F. Dockes.
Jean-Francois Dockes[EMAIL PROTECTED]
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bus - but these are usually followed by a bus reset which is logged ?)
And, by the way, 'recovered errors' sense keys (problems solved
internally by the device) should also be logged for the same reason,
only more benign, (but I'm not too sure that many devices actually
generate t
Rahul Dhesi writes:
> SunOS deals with soft memory errors in a very nice way. After a certain
> number of soft memory errors have occurred, it syslog's a message saying
> essentially:
>XXX corrected memory errors on memory chip YYY
> where XXX is how many times an error was corre