I'm new to BSD and I want to know, if the SAS HBA LSI 9200-8e is
supported under FreeBSD 8.2.
We installed FreeBSD on SATA disks, but I can't see any devices through
the SAS HBA, so maybe I have to load the driver first.
cu denny
hi Rumen,
Am Sonntag, den 20.03.2011, 11:09 -0700 schrieb Rumen Telbizov:
> Denny,
> LSI 9200-8e is based on the SAS2008 chip and the driver for that chip (mps)
> has recently been merged
> from current into stable but before 8.2-RELEASE. Therefore if you're using
> 8.2-RELEASE iso image to
Am Dienstag, den 22.03.2011, 02:10 +0300 schrieb Dmitry Morozovsky:
> and about to out it into day-to-day use 8.2-stable system, working as
> big-just-in-case archive with sources from Mar1 based on SuperMicro
> case/mobo
> with LSI SAS2008 + LSI expander + 24 SATA RE4 disk bays.
exactly t
hi everybody,
I've got FreeBSD running:
FreeBSD foobar.domain 8.2-STABLE FreeBSD 8.2-STABLE
with our LSI 9200 SAS :-)
thanks to Rumen, Jeremy and you :-)
zpool with two raidz:
root@iscsihead-m:/[-bash]# zpool create bigPool raidz da0 da1 da2 da3
da4 raidz da6 da7 da8 da9 da10 spare da5 da11
my two nodes are running fine with 8.2-stable and the LSI 9200-8e and
now, I want to build a failover for the Zpool (and later ISCSI target)
Both nodes are connected to the same disks (jbod) and now I need a way,
to get the zpool(s) running on the node with the CARP public IP.
I found someth
i've installed isgt and it works fine with Windows7 and Linux Debian
(Sqeeze) and Ubuntu 10.10, but not for OSX 10.6.7:
Mar 30 10:32:59 iscsihead-m istgt[3658]: Login from isch
( on iqn.san.rbg.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de:10gb LU1
(,1), I
I testing the maximum throughput from ISCSI, but I've reached only
~50MB/s (dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/da13 bs=1M count=2048) with crossover
1Gb/s cabel and raw disk. Both machines are FreeBSD 8.2-stable with
istgt and the Onboard ISCSI initiator
With ZFS as target we loose round about 8-10MB/s
Am 04.04.2011 um 18:04 schrieb Claus Guttesen:
> I've reached almost 118 MB/s but I don't have access to the
> configuration atm. This was from a windows 7 client. From vmware I've
> gotten 107 MB/s during a debian 6 server installation. I'll post the
> settings when I get back to work.
Am Dienstag, den 05.04.2011, 10:01 +0200 schrieb Claus Guttesen:
> The only setting I changed was:
> QueueDepth 64
I've tested now the default params with your Queue, but nothing changed:
On same time startet with clusterssh:
root@dhcp1 ~ # dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda bs=1M
I want to bound two e1000 (1Gb/s) channels and use at the moment LCAP,
but the max throughput is slower, than without channel bounding. I've
got round about 70MB/s instead of > 150MB/s - 200MB/s.
I used iperf with standard options:
:~$ iperf -f M -c
after testing severals loadbalancing (LACP) types with Cisco, we saw,
that we never get more than 112MB/s with two network cards and iperf.
So, we tested without loadbalancing, 4 Clients (iperf -f M -c ) and
two target IPs. Every IP has his own 1Gb/s network card.
On the end, two clients had
Am 11.04.2011 um 16:20 schrieb Michael Loftis:
> Most switches load balance based on MAC addresses, not IP, unless it
> is routing the traffic as a Layer 3 switch then you can enable IP
> based load balancing in some of those. Also you might simply be
that was the reason, why we disabled the lo
Am 11.04.2011 um 20:06 schrieb Tim Daneliuk:
> Are you certain you are not somehow running active-passive instead of
> active-active ...
> just a thought...
150% sure. I used two dedicated NICs WITHOUT any loadbalancing. The sum has to
be more than 112MB/s.
cu denny
ps. I get every answ
Am Montag, den 11.04.2011, 21:52 +0200 schrieb Denny Schierz:
> hi,
> Am 11.04.2011 um 20:06 schrieb Tim Daneliuk:
> > Are you certain you are not somehow running active-passive instead of
> > active-active ...
> > just a thought...
> 150% sure. I
Hi Dan,
Am Dienstag, den 12.04.2011, 17:42 -0500 schrieb Dan Nelson:
> http://www.cisco.com/en/US/docs/switches/lan/catalyst4500/hardware/module/guide/03instal.html#wpxref23495
you saved our week :-) That was it. My Cisco administrator take a closer
look and found out, that both NICs was connecte
Am Dienstag, den 29.03.2011, 23:36 +0300 schrieb Mikolaj Golub:
> 2) There are complaints from watchdog.
what happens, if the watchdog isn't available and one or both nodes are
rebooting or something else?
the other thing what could happen: the connection between the host and
the SAS swi
if I remove the SAS cable from the JBOD (connected through a SAS
switch), all disks disappears, that's fine and expected, but if I
reconnect the cable, the disks are not added anymore.
I've red to use "camcontrol rescan all", but nothing happens. I don't
get my /dev/da0-47 devices anymore and
Am Mittwoch, den 27.04.2011, 14:20 +0200 schrieb Denny Schierz:
> I've red to use "camcontrol rescan all", but nothing happens. I don't
> get my /dev/da0-47 devices anymore and have to reboot the whole machine.
small update: I've tested it again and only some
Am Mittwoch, den 27.04.2011, 05:57 -0700 schrieb Jeremy Chadwick:
> camcontrol reset 0
0:22:0 is available, 0:46:0 not:
root@iscsihead-m:~# camcontrol reset 0:22:0
Reset of 0:22:0 was successful
root@iscsihead-m:~# camcontrol reset 0:46:0
camcontrol: cam_open_btl: no passthrough device foun
Am Mittwoch, den 27.04.2011, 20:23 -0700 schrieb Jeremy Chadwick:
> I don't mean to sound critical, but why do you guys do this?
two answers:
1.) Think of: It could happen, instead of it shouldn't happen :-)
2.) Adding a new JBOD on the fly, without reboot the whole machine, what
I've done
ok, here we go: I've installed hastmon and both FreeBSD nodes and one on
Linux Debian as watchdog:
Simple setup:
# cat /etc.local/hastmon.conf
resource sanip {
exec /usr/local/_rbg/bin/san-ip
friends iscsihead-m iscsihead-s nos
on iscsihead-m {
since a while I try to get authentication working, but something is
missing or wrong:
My HowTo is: http://zewaren.net/site/?q=node/70
If I try from Windows7 or Ubuntu 10.4 discovery devices, I get nothing
:~ # iscsiadm -m discovery -t st -p san:3261
:~ #
But, discovery authenticatio
Am Mittwoch, den 13.07.2011, 11:50 +0200 schrieb Denny Schierz:
> since a while I try to get authentication working, but something is
> missing or wrong:
I had to use the Initiatorname from the real initiator in auth.conf and
istgt.conf. It seems that it isn't possible to ov
I think, I do not understand, how to update (security/bugfixes) my 8.2 machines
:-) I searched a lot and tried, what I have found in the docs, but I had
trouble ...
What I have done (one thing was working, but didn't know, if it is correct):
From the Docs:
# /usr/sbin/freebsd-update fetch
Am 29.09.2011 um 18:35 schrieb Freddie Cash:
> To do a binary upgrade of the base OS, you use freebsd-update:
> # freebsd-update fetch
> # freebsd-update update
That was the first, what I have found, but I get only errors:
# freebsd-update fetch
Looking up update.FreeBSD.org mirrors... 4 mir
Am 29.09.2011 um 21:06 schrieb Matthew Seaman:
> Releases are called things like 8.2-RELEASE-p2 In general, if it
> doesn't have 'RELEASE' in the name then it isn't one, and usually it
Ah, ok, it's getting more clearly. We have some jbods connected on a LSI
9200-8e which uses the mps drive
does anybody use the mps driver (if available) with Release9-Beta3?
the mps driver from 8.2 has problems with two paths over a LSI SAS 6160
Switch. eg. timeouts ... . Workaround: poweroff the second switch.
So it's interesting how stable/far the mps is from FB 9 Beta3
cu denny
Am 20.10.2011 um 18:14 schrieb Royce Williams:
> Denny, I don't have the same hardware so cannot test, but I only see a
> couple of changes committed to HEAD not MFC'd back to 8-STABLE:
thanks for the tip. I wrote Ken Smith a mail about the problems.
cu denny
since tonight I get millions of error messages from the ISTGT under
Nov 1 02:00:03 iscsihead-m istgt[5152]:
istgt_lu_disk.c:3960:istgt_lu_disk_lbwrite: ***ERROR*** lu_disk_write()
Nov 1 02:00:03 iscsihead-m istgt[5152]:
istgt_lu_disk.c:6051:istgt_lu_disk_execute: ***ERROR*
Am Dienstag, den 01.11.2011, 13:48 +0100 schrieb Johan Hendriks:
> Could it be that one drive is corrupt, or not available anymore?
> Just a wild guess.
nope, all drives are OK. I had to reboot (reset) the server and it works
again, but along ...
cu denny
Description: T
I searched for network problems for my jail (can get out, via ssh from jail,
but not ssh into the jail, other as the host) and reading something about
network virtualization for jails:
does this work for FreeBSD9 ?
cu denny___
hi Shawn,
Am 25.11.2011 um 16:54 schrieb Shawn Webb:
> Yes. You can use VIMAGE/vnet with jails. In fact, I just blogged about
> how to set it up:
> http://0xfeedface.org/blog/2011-11-21/lattera/freebsd-vnet-jail-admin-project
> I'm also writing a php project that will help administer FreeBS
I created and started a V2 jail by hand and it works. Now it should start
From a HowTo:
# Jails configuration
we have a Sun Jbod SAS J4200 and actually there is a running daemon under
Solaris 10, which is needed, to configure the JBOD over a (badly) Java Sun
tool from a other host machine (Windows XP, for example). If I switch from
Solaris to FreeBSD, I don't know, if I can view the status and con
I have problems starting the bridge via rc.d:
ifconfig_bridge0="addm bge0 up"
ifconfig_bridge0="inet netmask up"
It doesn't work. After reboot I have to set u
Am 17.01.2012 um 14:23 schrieb Stefan Esser:
> You forgot that rc.conf does not contain commands, but only variable
> assignments. The latter of the last two lines overwrites the value
> set in the former.
ah, ok, that wasn't clear for me. I tried several combinations, so I try it
again. Thanks
for google:
Am 18.01.2012 um 08:15 schrieb Denny Schierz:
> Am 17.01.2012 um 14:23 schrieb Stefan Esser:
>> You forgot that rc.conf does not contain commands, but only variable
>> assignments. The latter of the last two lines overwrites the value
>> set
after most parts works with my bridge setups works, I want to get vnet for my
jails working. In the morning I started a jail and got only the local interface
back, but no epair0b. Now I did something so that I can see _all_ interfaces
from outside (bridge0 / bge* / epair0* ... ) but without
Am 18.01.2012 um 16:13 schrieb Shawn Webb:
> I've done a bit of research about vnet jails:
> http://archive.0xfeedface.org/blog/2011-11-21/lattera/freebsd-vnet-jail-admin-project
I know that tool too, but the host is an envoirenment with SSH only and nothing
more and it should be work, with
Am 18.01.2012 um 23:21 schrieb Philipp Huebner:
> I use 9.0.0 release for host and jail and a generic kernel with OPTIONS
> VIMAGE being the only change/addition.
> No problem.
so, how looks your rc.conf config ? Do you use vimage the tool? I can't use
vimage (as I know) on sparc64.
I've created a new patch (adapted the old freebsd-9RC2 patch) for
The original patch:
My patch:
It works (was very happy) if you start the jail, but has problems with
stopping: it shows in jls still
Am 19.01.2012 um 23:33 schrieb Philipp Huebner:
> jail_dhcp_exec_earlypoststart0="ifconfig epair9b vnet dhcp"
this option doesn't exists in a plain FreeBSD9 install. I had to patch, to get
this options.
I've written to the jail list too.
cu denny___
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